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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Online Gaming!

Online gaming is a growing trend in the world. Anyone with any sense can see this happening and the trend will prove to be a boom in investment in several industries. It is a clear investment opportunity and one can already see its influence in several rising stocks related to the industry.

I suspect also other wonderful consequences to this that are not economical. We have been gaming with Koreans for 6 years and already many of us know several Korean words and a little about the Korean culture and vice versa. In general through a game people interact with one main objective which is to have fun and make friends. As it becomes more extended we will see the youth of this planet getting together and forming an online gaming language based on a common experience. The young of our planet will learn to understand and see other cultures as just another expression of themselves.

If anyone has any doubt about the exponential growth of online gaming; please read this source article too, but I will leave you the most important quote."The U.S. experience isn't the same as what's happening in Korea, where individual games attract millions of participants and tournaments are broadcast on TV. Still, the numbers show that interest is brewing. About one sixth of the U.S. population plays online games now, and that figure should grow to one half by 2008.."This an estimate by the analyst Eric Mation with in-STAT/MDR. The phenomenon is so strong it is already posing a heavy burden on current telecommunication carriers. This same analyst estimates that online games accounted for 2 exabits (10^18, the step after a petabit) of data being transferred last year. Of course the bulk of these gamers transferring information as they game in numbers happen to be us, starcraft players , but in amount of data transfer we are the less greedy of all gamers out there, it is ridiculously low compared to other games. As mentioned in several of my previous articles this low data transfer that makes starcraft modem friendly has fueled part of its Asian success story.

» Boardwatch.com

Anyway, as stories go the future keeps getting brighter and brighter for us gamers. And if you have any money go invest in online gaming. Rich you will become. That is of course a very personal opinion of mine, like most of my opinions, lol..

Forgive me if I think. Game on!

Boardwatch.com - Source

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