The second to fifth place team in the TI6 SEA qualifiers round robins started their quest for a spot in TI6 today. Currently, WFG has been eliminated while Fnatic and WG.Unity are two wins away from victory.
Consistency was shown throughout the three matches played today, the results of the best-of-three matchups reflected the best-of-ones in the group stages. These matches all ended 2-0 with a mix of very long and very short games, with the shortest game of the day being game two between White Fries Gaming (WFG) and Fnatic, lasting only 21 minutes, and the longest game of the day, lasting 60 minutes, had White Fries Gaming coming back from XctN's 7k gold lead at 30 minutes but failing claim victory.
Tomorrow, at 06:00, 09:30 and 13:00 CEST, the second SEA team to qualify for the TI6 main event and the SEA wildcard team will be decided after two best-of-threes and a best-of-five. The day will start with Fnatic vs WG.Unity.
Day one of the SEA qualifier playoffs started with two very quick games. Fnatic ran a Q-E Invoker and Broodmother in game one and ended the game with a 9-2 kill score. In game two, Fnatic managed to execute team fights better than WFG and find more farm on their cores, winning the game in 30 minutes.
The second series of the day opened in contrast to the first, featuring XctN's Tiny-Io combo failing to gather enough momentum in the mid game and succumbing to WG.Unity's Timbersaw and Invoker over a 50 minute period. As for the second game, WG.Unity's Clinkz-Lifestealer combo completely shut down XctN, ending the game with a 5-22 kill score, with Clinkz participating in 21 of WG.Unity's 22 kills.
After having lost their winners bracket matches, XctN and WFG faced-off in the final series of the day. In game one, XctN seemed to have taken firm control of the game 30 minutes in, however, WFG kept fighting and eventually turned the lead around. At 53 minutes, XctN secured Rosh and defeated WFG with the Aegis. In game two, WFG's Tinker and Gyro had a strong mid game, securing several kills for the team. This strong mid game proved not enough to cover WFG's mistake before the third Rosh respawn at 34 minutes, the mistake cause the team to give up Aegis and allowed the enemy Terrorblade and Alchemist time to farm. WFG eventually lost two sets of Barracks and were eliminated.
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