The American battle to stay in Epicenter saw compLexity Gaming going up against Evil Geniuses. The losing team heads home, while the winner will go on to face Newbee in the next round.
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Game One
The American battle got off to a rather quick start, with first blood going the way of Evil Geniuses before five minutes had passed. By seven minutes, the score line was already 4-3 in compLexity Gaming's favour with one tower down on each side. The first five man team fight broke out at just after ten minutes and ended up in a fairly even battle with two heroes going down on both sides but no other objectives being found. Soon after, coL took control, killing two of EG and pushing the bot tier one tower while pressuring the tier two.
After continued pressure and a few kills from coL without much of an answer from EG, coL destroyed the tier three barracks at bot lane, before pulling back. At this point, the Radiant team began to pick up some much needed items, with the hope of making a comeback. However, an amazing arrow from Mirana secured a kill on the enemy Morphling, and coL pushed down the top barracks, giving them a massive advantage.
After coL destroyed three of EG’s lineup outside the Roshan pit, EG called GG, giving game one to compLexity Gaming.
Game Two
Another quick start for game two was seen with EG claiming first blood two and a half minutes in. EG also dropped the tier one bot tower before five minutes. EG took control of the game, continually killing the mid lane of coL and allowing their own mid lane to find sufficient farm. The game went into a rather back and forth stage, with both teams taking tier one towers while trading a few kills back and forth.
The team fights went the way of coL, even though EG always initiated with a hopeful advantage. Fifteen minutes in, EG claimed the first Roshan of the game, without any contest from the Radiant. With this, EG took map control and dropped the bot tier two tower but coL pushed the top tier two tower and took the team fight that followed. Even though they had great team fights, coL were susceptible to pick-offs from EG, which they kept finding to make the game seem even.
CompLexity Gaming were definitely in control of the game, taking a team fight near the Dire secret shop but some buybacks from EG got them a turn around and an aegis. On the back of the aegis take, coL took another fight and then pushed the mid barracks, before they lost two and backed off. At thirty two minutes, coL dropped three of EG and pushed down the top barracks. The game looked over as they moved down to the bottom barracks which fell rather quickly. CoL forced out the GG at thirty four minutes, taking the series 2-0 and eliminating EG from Epicenter.
CompLexity Gaming managed to beat Evil Geniuses and will now go on to face Newbee, which will definitely be a highly contested battle between the two Wildcard teams.