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Brace for Wraith Night and Legion Commander

Wraith Night is here, God save the King. With it comes the long expected hero Legion Commander as well as the highly anticipated ranked match making feature. The patch also contain minor nerfs to Midas, Earth Spirit, Necronomicon and the Ancestral Spirit of the Titan.

The patch is upon us, with it comes further revelations regarding the new mode, Wraith Night, the new hero Legion Commander as well as several minor nerfs to elements such as Hand of Midas, Necronomicon, Elder Titan and Earth Spirit. Of course, the previously announced feature known as "ranked match making" is due to make it's entry into the client as well. The community has been hungry for better and more transparent match making for quite some time and Valve has finally decided to deliver on the topic. Previously disabled heroes Huskar and Slark are also added into the captain's mode pool again, to perhaps spice up the variety of competitive Dota.

The mode consists of a challenge where players defend the altar of the King from the incoming forces of the Wraith Night, the goal is to manage to survive the night to see the new King rise. The Wraith King himself will not be accessible to play during the duration of the mode.

No signs yet of other heroes such as Soul Keeper and Arc Warden. Wraith Night may or may not be the prototype for an earlier hinted hold-out mode where you fight of waves of incoming enemies. Worth noting is the patch size which is roughly 730 mb.


User Interface

  • Added option to display the Minimap on the right side of the screen. Some HUD skins may have issues in this mode
  • The drafter is now indicated when spectating a CM or CD game.
  • Fixed a case where shop items would get stuck on the screen after dragging
  • Play a sound when a teammates puts an item into your hero's inventory. eg when giving a Tango charge
  • Fixed a case where health and mana bars would be invisible at the beginning of a match
  • Select All Other Units hotkey now also selects other units like Plague and Serpent Wards
  • Added captions in Korean.



  • You now get an abandon if one of your party members abandon
  • Added message indicating that players must complete a low-priority match with players on both sides to decrement their low-priority penalty count
  • Adjusted the amount of XP required for Dota Profile levels 2 thru 7 (your in-profile XP bar might be a little off until you finish a game)
  • Game modes are now unlocked as you progress through levels


6.79c Gameplay Update

  • Hand of Midas recipe cost increased from 1400 to 1550
  • Ancestral Spirit vision reduced from 600 to 450
  • Ancestral Spirit damage reduced from 80/120/160/200 to 60/100/140/180
  • Plague Wards night vision reduced from 1200 to 800
  • Venomancer base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
  • Fixed Power Cogs knockback aoe being too big
  • Fixed Whirling Death not restoring enough HP after the debuff wears off
  • Necronomicon night vision from 1300/1400/1500 to 800
  • Necronomicon gold bounty increased from 100 to 100/125/150 (per unit)
  • Magnetic Grip cast range reduced from 1400 to 1100
  • Boulder Smash silence duration reduced from 5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5
  • Boulder Smash unit knockback range rescaled from 800 to 500/600/700/800
  • Fixed Stone Remnant counting as a spell (for purposes of Curse of the Silent, Magic Stick, etc)
  • Dueling units cannot be disarmed or Force Staffed away
  • Visage movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
  • Crystal Maiden base Intelligence reduced from 21 to 19 (same base damage as before)
  • Added Slark to CM
  • Added Huskar in CM



  • Orchid - Added fx for damage pop at the end of orchid, and additional effects if unit dies to orchid damage.
  • Fixed projected texture and screenshake render types that were drawing to the portrait also effecting the world, fixes bug with Enigma darkness rendering from his portrait in the world.
  • Fixed some Bounty Hunter items which weren't properly showing his Jinada effects.



  • Players now receive a series of presents as they proceed through the early levels of the game. Each present contains some free items to use.
  • Automatically unlock and select item styles that are unlocked by inscribed gems reaching a certain value
  • Fixed armory preview of items not showing the correct style



  • Heroes updated or newly enabled on the workshop - Earth Spirit, Ember Spirit, Storm Spirit, Gyrocopter, Pudge


Showcase View

  • Hide Pause panel in Showcase View.
  • Fixed a bug where dragging could select another follow unit.


Read the official patch release notes here.

Linus "Tjernobylbarnet" Staaf<p>Linus Staaf - former operations manager at GosuGamers.&nbsp;Started following eSports in 2009, responsible for the GGnet database 2009-2015. Film and music enthusiast and a firm believer that longer songs are better. Always finish&nbsp;what I sta - follow @Tjernobylbarnet</p>