Day four of Nexon Sponsorship League has come to an end with Virtual Throne inching close to their playoffs spot while FastGG lost both their games today. FastGG's losses has propelled MVP to qualify for the playoffs of NSL.
Quick recap
Virtual Throne vs Ave (draft information)
Coming into the match with a win apiece, both Virtual Throne and Team Ave opted to pick heroes with high survivability with VT banking on the power and super greedy lineup of Medusa, Weaver and Natures Prophet while Ave relied on the classic picks of Lifestealer, Storm Spirit and Dark Seer to try and counter a strong pushing lineup. Virtual Throne's picks of Medusa and Abaddon has shown itself too strong for Team Ave to handle as the tankyness of Medusa and the pushing power coming from VT's lineup proved to be the breaking point. Towards the end of the game, the difference in gold between these two teams was almost 30k by which point Ave had to call the gg.
FastGG vs Sym4ny (draft information)
In a disappointing start to the Sponsorship League, FastGG was quickly dominated in all lanes by the combination coming out of Sy4mny. ICELady struggled to get any form of farm in mid lane as constant pressure from arTistic's Outworld Destroyer as well as ganks from TheEarth and Fanta quickly shut down the midlane. Although Jiyeon's Luna managed to keep up with the farm, Fanta's Bounty Hunter was soundly beating Luna in terms of levels and making up for his low creep score with constant track kills. From there on, things quickly became one sided as arTistic ripped apart FastGG's lineup with his ultimate and TodayisBad's Razor quickly melted apart the barracks and put quite a dent in the confidence of FastGG.
EoT vs FastGG (draft information)
Living up to their team name, FastGG again faltered under the might of the Eye of Tiger while failing to register a single kill in the entire game. After the thrashing received in game one against Sym4ny, FastGG again was outplayed in all lanes as Jiyeon's Lifestealer struggled to obtain any core items, sitting only on a power treads by 15 minutes. Highlighting the team's inexperience when it comes to drafting picks was the choice to send Ramona.F's Silencer to the top lane as the safe lane carry. EoT mopped up the lineup of FastGG one by one and by the 18th minute, gg was already called. In what one could describe as a trainwreck, FastGG's inexperienced lineup received the most brutal of punishments at the hands of Sym4ny and EoT.
In other news, MVP, Underrated and NJ&Kids have all advanced to the quarter finals with the remaining games to decide which teams will join them. Nexon Sponsorship League S1 will continue with day five on the 12th of October with FXOpen, SushiAndYasha, and StarTale taking center stage. Most of the teams moving on to the playoffs will be decided on that playday.
Over the weekends, GOMTV has released the first batch of VODs from the past few playdays and they can be found on our coverage hub below.