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The International 3 day one ticker archive




The first day of The International 3 is now live and we will be loading this news page with photos, video interviews and live updates from games. Ning, Tjernobylbarnet, and Dopeshow will be at the venue the whole day.



It's the holy grail of The International 3 coverage!
Day 1 


Click for day one gallery


ReiNNNN, 23:27 - End game scoreboard is unnecessary.

Tjernobyl, 23:17 - People are currently enjoying the Allstar match here in Benaroya Hall, although players had mixed feelings about it. Some thought it was rather odd and pointless, others considered it rather fun. Some more annoyed than others (looking at you, Loda and Akke!) We will be gearing down now, so no more updates from the venue. Tune in again tomorrow for more goodies.

ReiNNNN, 23:08 - FINALLY, Allstars B fought back, team wiping Allstars A. All credit goes to Chuan and his Meepo.

ReiNNNN, 23:08 - Allstars A seems to be smashing through Allstars B.

ReiNNNN, 23:05 - There are so many wards up on the map, probably more than their actual serious game.

ReiNNNN, 23:01 - Dendi has got too much hate for Puppey. Hooks and kill him a second time at the expense of all his teammates dying.

ReiNNNN, 22:56 - Loda after dying to a four-man gank.

ReiNNNN, 22:50 - This allstars game is nuts. So intense words can't explain it. Burning gives away First Blood!


ReiNNNN, 22:44 -  Meepo!!!

ReiNNNN, 22:40 -  Apparently it's reverse draft for the allstars game.

ReiNNNN, 22:21 - There is no fight. Fnatic just rolled into LGD.Int's base and took the game. LGD.Int is the fourth team eliminated from the tournament today.

ReiNNNN, 22:17 - LGD.Int is on the verge of elimination. It almost seems like it is just a matter of time.

ReiNNNN, 22:07 - LGD.Int just got teamwiped with Tracks. Things are looking extremely bleak.

ReiNNNN, 22:05 - Well, things escalated quickly. The score is now 10-2 in favour of Fnatic. LGD.Int continuously getting picked off. Besides, interview with BurNing coming up.

ReiNNNN, 21:59 -  Big dive by LGD.Int did not pay out for them. They died more than they kill this time.

ReiNNNN, 21:54 - A little too aggressive by Pajkatt. Gyrocopcter walked past the enemy tier-one to farm but got stomped as two supports and DK close in on him.

ReiNNNN, 21:48 - No meepwn this game :(

Tjernobyl, 21:43 - Just got back from doing an interview with ixmike of Team Liquid, really awesome guy. He shared some thoughts about the team, about TI and about NA dota among other things. I've already forgotten some of the content since I went off script abit, but it was a good one. He seemed rather confident about tomorrow and his TI-winner prediction was Na`Vi and not Alliance unlike a lot of other players around here think. Stay tuned for the interview, meanwhile; smiling mike appears.

ReiNNNN, 21:36 - LGD.Int versus Fnatic is now live.

Silverbret614, 21:11 -  Dignitas tried to contest Roshan, but was quickly overwhelmed and had to call "gg" because of no buybacks.

Silverbret614, 21:07 -  Big fight broke out in front of Dignitas' tier 3 tower. Bodies dropped left, right and center as Orange got driven back

Silverbret614, 21:05 -  Orange capitalized on Mushi's double damage rune and turned a fight completely around to claim the bottom set of barracks

Y-fi, 21:03 - Orange take advantage of a double pick-off and get Aegis for Mushi.

Silverbret614, 20:59 -  A smoke gank gone wrong for the North Americans as they got counter-initiated and lost 2 supports.

Silverbret614, 20:53 -  Dignitas got 4 consecutive kills and proceed to march down mid lane, but buybacks from Orange helped them to kill off Aui_2000 on the Lone Druid

Silverbret614, 20:52 - Orange is leading by 7 kills and 4 towers. Things are not looking good for Dignitas

Tjernobyl, 20:49 - AdmiralBulldog is such a Dota-lover, he's been sitting at the Alliance balcony all day watching all the games. "Powered by Monster, roaaar!" is what he told me, not getting tired of the people or the sound or anything like that. Dignitas currently playing vs Orange, Akke and Loda commentating on that Waytoosexy was farming with a Harpy in the jungle instead of sending it mid to win that lane.

Silverbret614, 20:37 - Orange claimed first blood after diving behind the tier 1 tower of Dignitas. Meanwhile, Mushi showed off his prowess by solo-killing Sneyking on mid lane

ReiNNNN, 20: 33 - Orange versus Dignitas is now live!

Tjernobyl, 20:28 - Ran into "my old pal" EternalEnvy, funny dude. We talked about dignitas briefly and some fan asked him to sign a cap. He started signing "diginitas" because the was the topic, before saving it by adding EE after the "Di.." Like many others, he said the best-of-one format makes no sense and is a pity.

Silverbret614, 20:02 -  A smoke from LGD caught Mouz by surprise and Brax found Black^ again with the hook. "gg" is called by Mouz.

Silverbret614, 20:00 - decided to not wait for the Roshan, but pushed down mid lane. They overwhelmed Mouz after first round damage and got the mid barracks. They went for the bottom barracks but only got the tier 3 tower and backed off after losing Gyrocopter

Silverbret614, 19:53 - First set of barracks down for Mouz. is up by 20,000+ gold at this point.

Silverbret614, 19:47 - is steamrolling Mouz in this Bo1. All of their heroes have acquired core items and are out-leveling their counterparts by a large margin.  In Black^ we trust ?

Tjernobyl, 19:46 - I talked to Liquid.TC about the lower bracket being best-of-1. He thought of it as pretty shitty, since you go up there and just have one shot. If you lose, if you choke, if you do one or two mistakes, that's it. Game over, International over. Also had a chat just now with the Dota India guy next to me, he said mouz are figured out by all the other teams at this point. He claims them being too predictable and their time has passed unless they can make some serious changes.

Silverbret614, 19:38 -  A smoke gank went horribly wrong for Mouz as FATA missed his Dream Coil and turned around to clean up 3 heroes, including Black.

Silverbret614, 19:34 - smoked up again and engaged Mouz behind their bottom tier 1 tower. The LGD boys came out on top with 5 more kills for themselves. Mouz is being pushed against the wall here.

ReiNNNN, 19:33 - This is such a classic LGD.Int, gathering up as five at 5 minutes and start pushing down towers. They got the First Blood on Puck as well.

ReiNNNN, 19:31 - No First Blood but first tower goes to LGD.Int.

ReiNNNN, 19:26 - LGD.Int versus Mouz is now LIVE. Here's the draft.

dragonccc, 19:03 - The Americans proved too much for Rattlesnake to handle with the overwhelming enthusiasm ad patriotism from the crowd making this match my personal favorite in the first day of TI3.

ReiNNNN, 18:59 - Morphling picked up an Ultra Kill and the Americans are barrelling towards middle. Rattlesnake is the first team to be eliminated from The International 3.

ReiNNNN, 18:57 - After 30 minutes of back and forth, Dignitas turned around a fight and that quickly resulted in the death of the top and middle barracks. No "gg" call from Rattlesnake yet. Here's a picture of the deciding battle.

Tjernobyl, 18:53 - Swedish gathering! Just had a talk with Wagamama, Weppas and Hellspawn (reporting for Swedish TV) all at the same place but not at the same time. Seems like all the Swedes were just drawn there (to me obviously...?). Nice fellows, all of them. Talked about the improvements compared to last year, the whole second floor is used for signings and fan photos whereas last year it wasn't used at all. Other than perhaps having a screen there. Meanwhile, the crowd aren't letting Dignitas down the least, clapping for every small thing they pull off.

ReiNNNN, 18:47 - After the blazing start they had, Rattlesnake find themselves on the backfoot as the Timbersaw goes to work. These high burst damage skills are able to take down even Chaos Knight within seconds. Rattlesnake were forced to group up as five due to the Wisp but Dignitas' split push is doing a lot of damage to the towers.

Silverbret614, 18:36 - Sneyking survived a dozen spells thrown at him and helped Rubick got a kill on a low-hp Naga.

ReiNNNN, 18:35 - Two towers down for Dignitas. Not sure if Dignitas can even bring this to late-game for Morphling to become effective. Rattlesnake is pushing hard right now

ReiNNNN, 18:26 - Reactive armor did a lot of work but still not enough to keep Timbersaw alive. Rattlesnake takes the First Blood.

ReiNNNN, 18:23 - TI2 anyone? Also, waytoosexy is doing jungling Rubick!

Tjernobyl, 18:19 - "USA, USA, USA!" goes the chant as one of the two home teams finally gets to play. It's the first elimination game of the tournament. Oh also, Just finished an interview with xiao8 and Burning. Watch out for it!

ReiNNNN, 18:12 - Dignitas versus Rattlesnake is now live. The stream is still showing pre-show though.

ReiNNNN, 17:47 - TongFu performed a very nice pick-off on Lifestealers and immediately pushed mid. Lifestealer bought back but as he entered the fight, he got gripped and died again. Gyro cleaned up the rest of Fnatic and forced the gg. Fnatic down to the lower bracket.

ReiNNNN, 17:44 - Game is now on a stalemate. TongFu sneaked into Roshan and took it down. Don't think Fnatic saw it coming at all. I'm expecting TongFu to push in the next six minutes.

Silverbret614, 17:30 - Fnatic got off an amazing initiation, but buybacks coming out from TongFu's cores ensured them the rebuttal kills. Fnatic re-engaged after some buybacks of their own, nailed TongFu and secure the Aegis for themselves

ReiNNNN, 17:26 - Check out this interview with AdmiralBulldog we just published.

Dragonccc, 17:23 - Being in the main hall and listening to the crowd's cheers along with the casters' enthusiasm is an experience that could not be matched by any other tournament.

Silverbret614, 17:19 - TongFu managed to take down Roshan uncontested.

ReiNNNN, 17:12 - Fnatic just won a big fight against TongFu, killing off four of the Chinese. Real redemption for their game one loss.


Tjernobyl, 17:01 - Players looking tired already, the sound at the venue is a bit tiresome, with a sligh echo plus a general treble vibe to it. Overall, the mood at the Hall is epic though, all the visitors are super excited. There are all kinds of voiceover meets and celebrity signings going on. Ferrari was leaning towards the stairs, looking rather distant. Although fans kept poking him to take a photo and have him sign something.

Silverbret614, 16:55 - TongFu got an early first blood, killing off a retreating Venomancer.

Silverbret614, 16:47 - Game 2 is underway. Can Fnatic comeback from such a beating or will TongFu take this series 2-0 ?

Silverbret614, 16:34 - TongFu confidently walked up to Fnatic's top tier 3 tower and just went to town with their levels and items advantage. The Chinese boys will take game 1!

Silverbret614, 16:32 -  First Aegis went to TongFu uncontested. They pushed all the way to Fnatic's base and successfully took down the mid barracks just 18 minutes in.

Silverbret614, 16:25: Kill-score is now 6-1 in favor of TongFu. Fnatic has not been able to apply their game plan so far.

Silverbret614, 16:16 -  TongFu got first blood with some rotation from the 2 supports.

Silverbret614, 16:01 - Fnatic vs TongFu is now starting! Are we going to see Meepo ?

ReiNNNN, 15:55 - Gallery is updated for the third time. Here's a pic of master troll iceiceice.

Tjernobyl, 15:39 - Found some of the Quantic boys, some mixed emotions there. Mostly talked to 7cknMad, him and Socksha seemed rather relaxed and okay it by now. Mad said that right as they lost, it was incredibly rough and everything just felt really bottom-leveled but now this far afterwards it's okay and they're glad to be here. They're watching the games and enjoying the event. Goblak on the other hand... he said he'll probably head back to the hotel, he was in no mood for a chat nor a photo whatsoever. 

ReiNNNN, 15:31 - Na`Vi takes game one after they sieged Orange's base for 15 minutes. Orange will drop to the lower bracket while Na`Vi moves on.

Silverbret614, 15:25 - Na`Vi decided to jump right into Orange's base and got some supports, but gave away two track kills in return

Silverbret614, 15:19 - Big fight broke out in Orange's jungle. They got killed off rather quickly, but got some rebuttal kills with some timely buybacks. Kill score is now 12-3. Here's a pic of Na`Vi camping the entrance of Orange's base.

Silverbret614, 15:14 - Mushi went down to a Blink into Silence from Dendi plus a Ravage from Funn1k. He nearly went down again in mid lane but Time Lapsed just in time. Na`Vi now has the upper-hand

Silverbret614, 15:11- First tower went to Na`Vi, pushing Orange's bot lane after picking off their dual-lane.

Silverbret614, 15:08 - Na`Vi claimed first blood on mid lane with good patience. Lone Druid went back right away but fell once again to the same gank train.

ReiNNNN, 15:04 - This time, it is Na`Vi with the Tidehunter. Who will win?

ReiNNNN, 14:57 - Game three is now drafting

Tjernobyl, 14:42 - Spoke a bit with iceiceice who signed my guitar last year. They are facing tomorrow, he was rather hesitant when I asked him if they'd win, he didn't know really - VP are too random. That said by team Zenith, who are even more random. When asked which team is the scariest, iceiceice replied "we are the scariest team, we can beat any team but also lose to any team."

Silverbret614, 14:36 - With the Aegis on Lifestealer, Na`Vi pushed all the way to Orange's mid tier 3 tower. The Malaysians tried their best to defend but their opponents were too fat for them to handle. We're going to a game 3!

Silverbret614, 14:32 - Orange went for Roshan, but Na`Vi was aware of it and they stared at each other for a few minutes before Dendi and XBOCT jumped in. With Mushi out of the fight as soon as it started, Orange lacked the DPS to finish off Na`Vi heroes and the Aegis went to XBOCT.

ReiNNNN, 14:29 - Na`Vi just took another big fight on the bottom lane. XBOCT sacrificed himself so the rest of Na`Vi can kill four of Orange. Score is now 17-13 and Na`Vi's gold lead is more than 5,000. Both teams are now gathered in Roshan. Clash should happen shortly with Rosh hp down to half.

Silverbret614, 14:26 - Dendi showed off his newly bought Blink Dagger and Na`Vi killed 4 of Orange. Prophet survived by not being there.

ReiNNNN, 14:24 - The score is now 6-6 but with the Track from Bounty Hunter, Na`Vi is leading in gold and also slightly on experience. Lifestealer is ganking a lot alongside Bounty Hunter.

ReiNNNN, 14:18 - Na`Vi got the First Blood on Shadow Demon but because they dived too far into the tower, Dendi ended up getting killed by Roshan on his way out. Razor came in from the top lane and killed Bounty Hunter and subsequently Bane who barely died teleporting out.

Tjernobyl, 14:15 - Just did an interview with AdmiralBulldog, it went pretty smooth, he was into it and gave good answers. He got stuck out there afterwards though, all the fans wanting him to sign their Lone Druid picture. Not easy being a star. He's back at his balcony now. He was hoping Orange to win this series since he felt NaVi is the stronger team and he'd rather not face them later. But whichever team they face, they will aim to win obviously. S4 thinks NaVi will beat Orange, and about their 14-0, he said after winning all games first day they were rather confident going into the other two days.

ReiNNNN, 14:10 - Orange got their hands on their signature Sand King. Respect ban for Pudge wow.

ReiNNNN, 13:52 - We just updated the gallery. Check it out here. Tjernobylbarnet is also out looking for AdmiralBulldog for an interview. Not very easy to find.

ReiNNNN, 13:45 - Orange pushed Na`Vi's high ground and team wiped the Ukrainians again. Na`Vi surrendered ultimately and Orange takes game one. Net showcased some really quick reaction speed by casting Carapace just as the arrow was about to hit him.

ReiNNNN, 13:39 - Orange is playing really well in game one. They dominated the laning phase and followed up by having a nice mid-game. They attempted Roshan at 22 minutes and although they lost the Alchemist in the clash early on, the rest of Orange was able to clean up Na`Vi and Roshan. It is 33 minutes into the game now and Orange just teamwiped Na`Vi.

Ning, 13:10 - Four kills already in three minutes. What a close game.

ReiNNNN, 13:16 - Drafting is done. Mirana and Tidehunter!

Ning, 12: 51 - Ceremony goes on, Maelk is talking about Na'Vi and IG. Some of the players are already in the cabin and testing the machine.

Silverbret614 - 12:40 - Enormous screen

Tjernobyl - 12:24 - Sadly, we as media are not allowed within the player's lounge but we will get you some photos and interviews anyway. Currently all players are seated in their balconies, watching the screen which currently are showing recaps of the group stage. In case you didn't know, there is a dedicated balcony above the general audience for every team where they can have a seat watching the screen. Currently the screen is being shown off to the people at the venue, where two screens are showing each playing team at all time, located next to the game screen. Also filling the side area is a larger version of the minimap as well as the Game Stats info.

ReiNNNN, 12:19 - Na`Vi versus Orange should begin shortly. Here is the bracket.

ReiNNNN, 12:12 - #shotsfired TobiWan

ReiNNNN, 12:01 - No Valve time! Opening ceremony begins! Stream here. Welcome to The International.

ReiNNNN, 11:57 - Seems like there will be a short delay. Opening ceremony should be beginning shortly. I expect the games to begin in 30 minutes or so.

Silverbret614, 11:44 - Kappa

ReiNNNN, 11:27 - Our gallery is now live and running. It will be updated throughout the day. Besides that, the streams are now live. Check it out here.

Tjernobyl, 11:15 - Doors are now open and we just got inside, setting in the press area. Will have some photos online for you soon.

ReiNNNN, 10:45 - Here are your streams for The International 3. It will be available in four languages.

>> The International 3 English stream
>> The International 3 Russian stream
>> The International 3 Korean stream
>> The International 3 Chinese stream

You can also watch The English stream alongside the hall camera and pod cameras here.

Tjernobyl, 10:30 - Doors are opening in about 30 minutes, sitting outside the lobby, right next to the massive line where everyone are waiting to get their entrance badges. Sadly, the WiFi isn't as stable as yesterday

Linus "Tjernobylbarnet" Staaf<p>Linus Staaf - former operations manager at GosuGamers.&nbsp;Started following eSports in 2009, responsible for the GGnet database 2009-2015. Film and music enthusiast and a firm believer that longer songs are better. Always finish&nbsp;what I sta - follow @Tjernobylbarnet</p>

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