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New Danish line-up madjicK features MODDII


Swedish veteran player Andreas "moddii" Fridh has found new team after a long break from competitive Counter-Strike.

After parting ways with fnatic - the team where the Swede aquired most of his fame and reputation - moddii had dissappeared from the scene untill the Summer of 2014, when he joined Flipsid3 Tactics alongside schneider and pyth. However, the team did not find any success in any online tournaments and partially disbanded.

Today, Portugese eSports organization madjick Gaming announced the aquirement of a new international roster consisting mostly of Danish players with moddii among them. The players are no strangers to each other as they already played together as team ISKOLD, the roster even including moddii himself.

The first upcoming challenge for the new squad is going to be the qualifiers for Gfinity Spring masters.

madjicK Gaming line-up:

Sweden Andreas 'moddii' Fridh
Denmark Hemen 'xanzir' Nawros
Denmark Jakob 'JUGI' Hansen
Denmark Benjamin 'tabu' Vangstrup
Denmark Thomas 'haste' Dyrensborg

Source: official website

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