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General14 years agoMarius "LML" Z

BWCL Season 37 to start on January, 30th

The new season of the BroodWar Clan League is suppossed to start on the 30th of this month. However, the organization needs to know which teams are still active.

After the latest season just ended in december of last year, the new season is approaching and is most likely to start on January, 30th.
Before the season can start, each team that wants to play in this upcoming season has to confirm its activity by replying in the according thread over that the BWCL forums, though.
The requirement is down to two players, just as last season, which makes it pretty easy to participate and play two 1v1's and one 2v2 in each week's clanwar.

So don't hesitate any further and sign up your team for BWCL Season 37 immediately!

Links - Thread to confirm clan's activity

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