We catch him in-between practice games to talk about yesterday's success. A 2-0 win over Future as well as a 2-0 with team mate ViOlet against the renowned 2on2 team of TeD/LiKe marked the continued triumphs for the Swedish Undead player.
His teammate ViOlet had it rough against Sky, but DowaQ was able to defeat his Orc opponent despite being his worst matchup statistically.
- I think Orc is actually one of my best matchups, but it's pretty logical that a guy holds a bad win percentage against them even if it's your best matchup.
Due to the many current top players, you mean?
- No, due to the imbalanced Blademaster!
First game on Amazonia, DowaQ opted for ghouls while Future teched quickly with only a burrow and a grunt. The game seemed to be in Future's hands until DowaQ's dk dinged level 3 evening out the game. Gaining some ground after a successful surround, DowaQ eventually was able to counter Future's mass air with a ghoul/fiend mix.
The second game, played out on Ancient Isle, was more or less in the same suit of the first. The Swede was leaning towards the ropes when Future had emerged through with advantage in expansions, units and hero level. Thankfully for the Swede, creeps dropped two books of the dead which he 'read' during the right battle.
With the 2on2 success, Serious Gaming is now ready to take on the eventual loser of WeMade FOX and MeetYourMakers. DowaQ comments that he'd rather play MYM, as FOX have the two best players in the world.

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