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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

OMG continue to prove their merit on W9D2


If you're simply interested in spoiler-free VODs:

EP vs. PE Game 1 
EP vs. PE Game 2
OMG vs. LGD Game 1
OMG vs. LGD Game 2

MVP Scores, Builds, & CS

MVP Score / Kills / Assists / Deaths / KDA / Gold / CS



As one would expect, the game started off with a four man tower push. Energy Pacemaker ended up getting a much better part of the deal, establishing a huge advantage by taking two towers for zero.  Positive Energy attempted to take towers back, and the gold values were relatively even despite the one tower advantage because Positive Energy grabbed a dragon.

At 16 minutes, Energy Pacemaker tied up the dragon score, allowing Positive Energy to rotate middle and take an uncontested tower.  Many objectives were contested in and out of the jungle, but oddly enough, no kills happened until the 19 minute mark.  Positive Energy picks up yet another dragon 22 minutes in, but at the cost of AmazingJ being able to freely split push and take a top inner turret.

The game was astonishingly low on kills despite several objectives like this being contested all game.

Energy Pacemaker were able to utilize the sidewaves pushing on their own in order to shove mid and take the first inhibitor tower of the game.  While Positive Energy tries to find solid engagements for themselves, this does not prove fruitful.  Positive Energy then goes for dragon while EP goes for baron, but Positive Energy managed to steal it and baron decided the game once again.

 After establishing a snowballing advantage off of baron, a 2nd one was picked up and Positive Energy turned the game around, closing it out and taking the series to 1-0.

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Not wanting to drop 0-2, Energy Pacemaker looked to not throw in this game.  They started off with yet another aggressive invade.  While it was not fruitful inside the jungle, their swing bottom allowed for DomhoX to grab First Blood on his Morgana over lovC's Caitlyn.

To apply counter-pressure, Positive Energy committed to a late invade at Energy Pacemaker's lizard buff.  This made it so Ycc did not spend much time farming.  Positive Energy ended up getting a bit overzealous with their invasions.  Energy Pacemaker were able to adequately defend, warding them off and also picking up some kills to boot.  It would seem they hadn't learned their lesson as this would reoccur over the course of the game.

Hi, my name is Syndra and this is mine now.

Positive Energy swung back a bit with a teleport bottom from Canines' Mundo, picking up several kills.  However, Positive Energy just did not push their advantages in a profitable manner and were still acting recklessly on the map without much vision.  Energy Pacemaker stayed up in towers and dragons, and showed an improved game from the previous one.

While there was lots of action, outside of the use of teleport, top lane was an unbelievably long and dull laning phase with Ryze vs. Mundo, Ryze not able to shove Mundo due to the quick health and magic resist stacking.  With the help of Superc4t's also fed Syndra, Energy Pacemaker were able to not throw this time around and close out the game against Positive Energy.

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OMG very clearly were trying to shake things up this time around, bolstering a strange team composition.  San decided to lock in Jin for the first time in LPL, but intelligently paired with Pomelo's Nunu and Koro's Jax for the attack speed buff synergy.

 Despite the team compositions, LGD were able to win the tower race early with a 2-0.  However, this actually turned out problematic for LGD since it allowed for Gogoing to freeze lane and get ultra farmed on Jax, who opted to go the build path of Blade of the Ruined King first since he did not have to rely on laning strength, allowing him to bash towers faster.

LGD may have played from behind, but they also weren't afraid to go least here.

The game was pretty much a blood bath, and San managed to get pretty fed himself, showing the Jinx pick working out for the team.  The later the game went, the skill disparity between the teams was more apparent, with LGD getting smashed and OMG able to pick up a baron.  OMG finished the game decisively with superior rotations.

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There aren't many opportunities in current day professional League of Legends where a team can get complacent and trolly and still  win the game.  Fortunately for OMG, this opportunity was there as they had the morale advantage and general experience advantage.  The game looked like something from patch 4.5, despite the game being played on patch 4.4 starting from picks and bans.

OMG picked up the LPL's first Graves this season on San and the first Twisted Fate this season on Xiyang.  San got incredibly far ahead, as to be expected in a lane versus a shoved up Ezreal.  LGD, however, went with a more familiar strategy.  Instead of using Orianna as their mid laner, they decided to use Yasuo and pull of their wombo combo strategy with Star's Riven, forming an Aoe Synergy.

LGD.Styz and Pyl will have nightmares about OMG's roams bottom.

The laners weren't the only stars of the show, however, and Pomelo was able to invade and pretty much take full control of LGD's jungle, making flashy plays with smiles across the team's faces.  OMG's second game against LGD was a complete stomp, and LGD was forced to surrender for a second time in a row after giving up full map, vision, CS, and kill control.

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