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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

New Forum Moderation

hammer.jpgDue to public request we have now updated our forums. We added flags by the authors' names while listing all threads. In that section, there is also a "time from latest post" available, showing hours and minutes since the latest post was published in a certain thread. This only applies for the threads that have been replied to within the latest 24 hours.

Another very effective function to keep the forums clean is the Report this post option. You find it in the end of every forum post, to the right of the quote link. If a thread is reported to the Crew, forum moderators can easily find which posts are violating our rules and quickly censor, delete and/or warn the user who posted it. The Crew will instantly be informed of the report and the next Crew member who is online may check the post immediately.

We also changed the size of the forums - as a test - to a smaller version. We include the standard right menu instead, showing latest news and replays just like on the frontpage.

If you have any suggestions and ideas, please post them in our » Suggestion & ideas forum.

GosuGamers.net - New Forum Features
GosuGamers.net - Suggestion & ideas forum

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