BOOM Esports end the 2021 year undefeated in Southeast Asia Division 1 and at the top of the standings with a clean 8-0 game score.
It most certainly seems that BOOM Esports are determined to make the most of their second chance at playing in Division I. Ahead of the new DPC, they were slated to play through Division II and grind their way up. However, after OMEGA Esports players got banned by Valve, BOOM were allowed to retain their upper-division slot despite losing the fifth-seventh place tiebreaker in the previous season.
Entering now the 2021-22 DPC with a fully reformed roster, BOOM delivered clean 2-0 sweeps in their first four matches, taking down thus far Fnatic, OB.Neon, Team SMG and Motivate.Trust Gaming.
Motivate.Trust Gaming
BOOM Esports
MTG were their last opponents for this year and the first game of the bo3 series didn’t start quite well for BOOM. They were led in gold and experience for 45 minutes straight and were forced to play a carry Riki from behind. The saving moment came at the 46-minute mark, when MTG went for a Roshan kill that should have eased their high ground final push. BOOM perfectly understood the situation and surprised MTG by initiating the fight from behind the pit, luring MTG out and claiming the Aegis and the Cheese for themselves. It all snowballed to victory for BOOM from there on, as they closed the game in the next couple of minutes.
Game two was a completely different story, with BOOM going for a fast tempo, objective-oriented line-up with Death Prophet and Razor. They executed their strategy flawlessly and gave no time for MTG’s Luna-Io-Spirit Breaker potentially deadly combo to come online.
With the four clean sweeps, BOOM Esports will end the year on the first place in SEA Division I and will return to action on the 8th of January, when they will be pitted against TNC Predator, who for now are at the very bottom of the Division with an 0-6 overall game score.