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And then there were four at WESG 2018

Title image courtesy of WESG

Four teams were eliminated at WESG 2018 earlier today, leaving only four standing. 

The quarterfinals of WESG 2018 were the only games on the schedule for today for the LAN event in China. As things started to wind down, the tension started to build up.

Starting things off  Keen Gaming overpowered their Chinese peers EHOME 2:1. EHOME's win was a 73-minute ordeal to claim and was flanked by two relatively one-sided matches that belonged to Keen Gaming.

Team Ukraine featuring Vladimir “No[o]ne” Minenko had little trouble taking down Gorillaz-Pride in a clean 2:0 sweep. 

 NoLifer5 worked hard to take the first win off of  White-Off, the Russian squad consisting of mostly players, but the next two matches were a cakewalk for the Russian team.

TNC Predator had dominated the group stage and quickly dismantled Team Canarinho from Brazil 2:0 in an equal display of dominance for the playoffs. 

All of the teams that were knocked out today will walk away with a $10,000 reward for their efforts. 

The event concludes tomorrow, March 10th with the day starting off at 05:00 CET featuring Team Ukraine and Keen Gaming

Cristy "Pandoradota2" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2

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