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Dota 29 years ago

ESL One Frankfurt: Liquid stays afloat, Fnatic sinks

The Manila Major second place finishers are safe from elimination for now after defeating Fnatic 2-0. They will be facing Alliance for another elimination match later in the day. With the defeat, Fnatic takes home the 8th place finish at ESL One Frankfurt.

Game one

Leaving the early game stages frustrated and without many kills, Liquid was on the back foot. With everything going according to plan, Fnatic transitioned into the mid-game by moving together as a five-hero unit, strategically taking towers. Knowing that a defense was not feasible, Liquid bought time for their Phantom Assassin and Alchemist to split push and farm, when PA completed his Battlefury and Alchemist was nearly six slotted, they went on the offensive and were met with great success - in part due to Fnatic's lacking damage as a result of defensive item choices by Medusa. Map control was quickly seized by Liquid and a constant fear of ganks struck Fnatic, forcing farming inefficiencies on Fnatic's cores; Liquid's cores quickly topped the net worth chart and left a path of destruction in Fnatic's base. GG was called shortly after Mega-creeps were achieved.

Game two

Adrain 'FATA-' Trinks found himself in a situation complete opposite from game one. In contrast to being allowed to farm, the middle lane became a place of death, with multiple ganks traded back and forth between the two teams within the span of minutes. The first team to find their momentum was Fnatic - they killed Rosh and got two kills immediately after. In the following minutes, well executed counter-ganks propelled Fnatic into a solid lead. However, things quickly turned when a big Chronosphere reversed a team fight for Liquid. Using this victory as a stepping stone, Liquid lifted themselves to more team fight victories through the isolation of either Ursa or Slardar with a Chronosphere. In the end, the unstoppable dual core of Life Stealer and Death Prophet waltzed into Fnatic's base and forced them to concede.