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Dota 29 years agoAndreea "divushka" Esanu

DotA 2 Reborn: patch notes

DotA 2 Reborn, beta has been live for one week and, as expected, it has lots of bugs and quirks that need to be ironed out, that’s why they call it a BETA after all.

With so many things yet to be released on the main client, of which the most important are the compendium goals rewards, Valve apparently are switching their focus to the new client built on Source 2 and they are prioritizing its fixes over the stable version client content.

The patch notes are endlessly long but we will summarize for you the most important changes:

Gaming experience:

- Enabled Mac client

- Enabled Linux client

- Added Australia and Brazil regions for Reborn beta

- Fixed a case where alt-tab would return to a blank screen

- Fixed a crash when failing to connect to a server

- Fixed a crash when selecting a shared announcer

- Fixed Custom Game panel sometimes not showing games

- Fixed inconsistencies where abandoning could cause the game to end without punishment

- Fixed bugs with Truesight

- Fixed a bug where heroes would sometimes spawn in the middle of the map and be uncontrollable

- Fixed illusions being able to manipulate and sell items

- Fixed Huskar causing significant framerate loss

- Fixed attacking and selecting Nyx while he is burrowed

- Fixed Armlet causing you to lose too much HP when toggling

- Fixed a courier delivery bug where the courier would stop responding to delivery commands

- Fixed a performance problem with Tinker's March of the Machines

- Fixed multi-team bug where Slark's Shadow Dance passive was only disabled by vision from one of the enemy teams

- Fixed Broodmother Webs blocking neutral camps

- Fixed Acid Spray from blocking neutrals

- Fixed various areas on the Terrain where you could get stuckd some unselectable units like Stone Remnants being selectable with certain options

Developer tools:

- Added a UI option for the dashboard rendering quality setting

- Mac/Linux: Fixed bugs where high-quality water wasn't being rendered correctly

- Fixed bug where many model files couldn't be opened in the model editor

- Fixed the URL in the Tools' Help menu pointing at the wrong address

- Fixed a bug where Hammer wouldn't save correctly after changing maps

- A trailing semi-colon is no longer necessary when setting CSS styles in Javascript

- Added dump_panorama_css_properties, which prints out the list of all valid CSS properties and their documentation

- Added CreateHTTPRequest and the CScriptHTTPRequest object

- Included dkjson library for JSON encode/decode in Lua

- Javascript $.Msg() now prints the name of functions instead of 'undefined'

- Add support for the <pre> tag in HTML labels

- Fixed a bug when registering a Lua modifier outside of an ability

- Fix for Particle Editor UI missing combine mode

- SFM: Can now change resolution dynamically

- Added OnProjectileHit/Think_ExtraData functions to ability_lua

- Added GetTexture to modifier_lua


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Andreea "divushka" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota

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