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Dota 210 years agoAndreas "drouks" St

Ten videos that will keep you hyped up until TI4


1. Long live the International



The second version of The International was my personal favorite and this video completely justifies my opinion. It delivers the TI2 experience very effectively, showing what players are capable of when the stakes are high. The plays, combined with impressive commentary form a breathtaking result.

Creator : Jan "son1" Švajgr
Publisher : joinDOTA


2. Back to the International 2013



Another movie for The International 3, the creators have managed to capture the hype and excitement of the most prestigious event in DotA history completely. The movie came during a time when YouTube was overcrowded by similar videos regarding TI3 and did not get the attention it deserves, but I believe it is one of the best if not the best of its kind.

Creator : Andrew 'Xeo' Yatsenko
Publisher : Natus Vincere


3. Luck is no Excuse Series



Any DotA2 video list without hOlyhexOr's creations is incomplete to say the least. The "Luck is no excuse" series is hOlyhexOr's "fifth symphony", as it includes the best of his self-captured and contributed scenes. Together, they form a spectacle for the eyes of every DotA player out there.

Creator/Publisher : Dominik 'hexOr' Buhmann

4. The first Dota2 movie - The International 2011



This movie is not the most exciting in terms of plays, but it serves its own purpose. It exists to remind us where it all started for DotA2 and how the game has improved over the years. It is also quite entertaining to watch all these old rosters and the players they were made of.

Creator/Publisher : GondarBelle


5. i,Dota 4



Blurpi has been one of the most influential video makers since the DotA days. This video is his first contribution for DotA2, and according to his channel he is ready for more. Just sit back and enjoy 9.43 minutes of pure sweetness.

Creator/Publisher : Blurpi


6. The Play - Multicam Edition



This highlight is a part of every International 2 movie, but I believe it deserves a special mention. It does not only show the skill and coordination required to excel in the professional DotA2 scene, but it also shows how the players' ability has an immediate effect on the crowd. As LighTofHeaveN used his Black Hole, the whole Benaroya Hall went crazy, along with almost 500,000 spectators - spreading the magic of The International.

Creator/Publisher : Chris Myll



1. DTS - Overcoming the odds



This video was recorded at a time when the professional scene was a Chinese monopoly. DTS were able shatter the veil of fear surrounding the Chinese with their impressive results in WDC and ESWC 2010. This movie was created to present their journey, their achievements and some hilarious bloopers.

Creator : Helical
Publisher : Helical/Darer


2. PIS - Perfect is shit



Probably the most famous DotA movie of all time, Perfect is shit helped Yan Jun 'YaphetS' Bu reach worldwide recognition, and he is still considered the best Shadow Fiend player of all time.

Creator/Publisher : say_43_plz


3. WoDotA - Redemption


Grab some impressive video editing skill, throw in some of the most exciting contributed scenes, and finish with some epic music. Congratulations, you just received Redemption, a prime example of how gameplay videos should be made.

Creator/Publisher : WoDotA


4. Kingsurf Dota movie



Kingsurf is a team that made Malaysian DotA players quite proud during their period of dominance, helping some of the players like Ng 'YamateH' Wei Poong establish themselves in the Asian DotA scene. Despite Kingsurf's controversial disbandment, many still remember and cherish the feats of the Malaysian powerhouse.

Creator/Publisher : Botanika


Extra : Two must-see Dota2 documentaries



This hour-long movie features some very interesting footage from all three versions of The International, paired with several interviews of players, casters and eSports personalities. The movie is mostly in Russian, but English subtitles are available.

Creator/Publisher : SLTV



The Free to Play documentary is finally out, and it was surely worth the wait. The documentary talks about the pursuit of success in eSports and The International. Free to Play offers a tour of the magic world of competitive DotA2, created by the same company that raised eSports to a whole new level.

Creator/Publisher : Valve


This is an opinionated article based on the thoughs and experience of the author.

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Andreas "drouks" StThere's really not much to say about Andreas 'drouks' Stavridakis, except that he sleeps two hours a day, plays the guitar and survives solely on Diet Coke. He also writes about DotA sometimes.

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