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StarCraft21 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

MBCGame 2nd Starleague

[subject_korea]Here are the MBCGame Starleauge 2nd prelims results. The winners go to the Major Leauge while to loosers go to the
Minor Leauge.

Player 1Player 2Map
s.s.m.[silver] > Sayoo[hyo] JR memory J V1.5
s.s.m.[silver] < Sayoo[hyo] Plains to Hill D
s.s.m.[silver] > Sayoo[hyo] Dark Sauron

Player 1Player 2Map
iloveoov > JulyZerg JR memory J V1.5
iloveoov > JulyZerg Plains to Hill D

Player 1Player 2Map
[EroS]~Rage > eji JR memory J V1.5
[EroS]~Rage > eji Plains to Hill D

Here are the gamers that has been qualified for the each leauges.

Major League

- NaDa, Yooi, ElkY, Silent_Control,, iloveoov, t.3)friend.
- ChOJJa, YellOw, s.s.m.[silver], JJu.
- Nal_rA, Zeus, [EroS]~Rage.

*note that NaDa, ChOJJa, ZeuS and Nal_rA were seeded to the Major Leauge.

Minor League

- [Oops]ClouD, Doggi, V-Gundam, ArtOfTerran, Kos, TheMarine, XellOs, Sync, [Soul]Medic.
- Eliza[SouL], MuMyung, JinNam, Black, Sinji_NT, SC_Side, July.
- TerAtO, Breeze[Akuta], IntoTheRainbow, eji.
- GGon.

These players have in other words lost against a player that qualified for the Major Leauge.

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