The Brazilian team bested opponents SK Gaming in a triple map sweep at the CEVO Gfinity Season 9 LAN Finals.
Tempo Storm vs.
SK Gaming - 14:1, 2:4 (16:5); 8:7, 7:8, 4:2 (19:17); 6:9, 3:7 (9:16); 13:2, 3:6 (16:8)
Winner: Tempo Storm - 3:1
Maps: de_Cache, de_Dust2, de_Mirage, de_Cobblestone
MVP: Ricardo "boltz" Prass
Tempo Storm took the CEVO Gfinity Season 9 LAN Finals after grinding SK Gaming in three out of four maps in a best-of-five series.
De_Cache saw a very fast, dominant performance from Tempo Storm, where the team annihilated their Danish opponents 14:1 during the first half, playing as Counter-Terrorists. Following this strong start the Brazilians went on to grab two rounds to SK Gaming's four and closed out the first map.
Next up was de_Dust2, the only map over the entire course of the event that went into overtime. The teams mirrored each other's performances on each side bringing the score to 8:7 at both halves. After a moment of doubt, Tempo were able to come back into the game and swept it away 4:2 in overtime.
The third map was de_Mirage, a map picked by SK Gaming. The Danes kicked off on the Terrorist side, giving the Brazilians a run for their money, and by the conclusion of the first half of the map the scoreboard read 9:6 in favour of the Danes. The second half saw them continue their momentum, preventing the Brazilians from securing a fast finish. Six rounds to Tempo Storm's three allowed SK Gaming to prolong the best-of-five series.
Finally we saw de_Cobblestone. Tempo Storm made an absolutely phenomenal Terrorist start, putting themselves in position to essentially close out the map in the first half. SK Gaming were completely off form, with rounds slipping in the Brazilians' favour time after time, leading to a 12:3 first half finish. Going into the second half SK Gaming were able to secure the pistol round, along with the following rounds, demonstrating potential for a comeback. As it turned ouf, this light at the end of the tunnel was just an oncoming train for the Danes, as the Brazilians managed to reassert their dominance and closed out the map and match series with a 16:8 win.