Tempo Storm wins CEVO S9
The Brazilians came home with the title this weekend from the CEVO Gfinity Season 9 LAN finals, having overcome Danish rival SK Gaming in the grand finals match in London. The best-of-five series comfortably went the way of Tempo Storm, with a final series scoreline of 3-1; for a comprehensive summary of each map, head over to CEVO winner's article.
JW Gaming opens for business
JW Gaming, a small retail store based in Jesper "JW" Wecksell's hometown of Avesta, Sweden and owned by the man himself, has officially opened for business this week. The store offers a wide range of Fnatic-branded equipment, including mice, keyboards, headsets, and apparel, as well as regular gear from some of the most popular manufacturers in esports.
Chroma 3 update drops
Valve pushed a minor update out on Thursday that introduced small bug fixes and easter eggs, but more importantly, the Chroma 3 collection was released. The case includes two new covert skins-- the PP-Bizon Judgement of Anubis, the M4A1-S Chantico's Fire, and a number of low tier skins for weapons that don't frequently receive new skins. Check out for a preview of the new weapons as well as change logs in our update announcement.
Echo Fox swap m0E for ShahZam
Just before the release of the Chroma 3 case Echo Fox announced that Mohammed "m0E" Assad would be stepping down from their active roster, and that they would be bringing OpTiC Gaming reject Shahzeb "ShahZam" Khan to fill his place. The popular streamer stated that the decision was entirely his own, as he didn't believe he could commit enough time to the team moving foward.
E-Frag drops team
E-Frag.net revealed this week that they will be cutting ties with their successful Bulgarian CS:GO team, with E-Frag citing their reasons for dropping the team as interfering with the long-term vision for the site. Read a snippet of the organization's full statement below: