The next Chroma case is now out, bringing a brand-new collection of skins for a selection weapons.
Valve pushed a minor update out today that introduced small bug fixes and easter eggs, but more importantly, the Chroma 3 collection was released. The case includes two new covert skins-- the PP-Bizon Judgement of Anubis, the M4A1-S Chantico's Fire, and a number of low tier skins for weapons that don't frequently receive new skins, including the SSG 08 and the UMP. Check out Reddit user SirFruity's Imgur album to see all the skins included in the case.
Change Log:
– Added the Chroma 3 Case.
– In-game blog is now displayed using the language of game UI when possible.
– Fixed rounding errors in timing for molotovs/incendiary grenades. They now deal exactly 40 DPS regardless of server tickrate.
– Fixed community server crash relating to graphs and games that go into overtime.
– Equip armor sounds are now slightly different for T and CT.
– Added official game servers in Chile.