fnatic will be swapping out Olof "olofmeister" Kajbjer for Niclas "PlesseN" Plessen due his recent wrist injuries.
This month has brought to the spotlight one of the most common injuries that plague the esports community: RSI, or repetitve strain injury, which usually occurs in the wrists, with the first to be Ladislav "GuardiaN" Kovacs who will being missing Dreamhack Masters Malmo due to his own RSI. Now, yet another top player will be stepping down from competitive play as fnatic has revealed that they will be subbing in Niclas "PlesseN" Plessen for Olof "olofmeister" Kajbjer in order to give time for the player to recover. Fnatic's coach Viktor "Vuggo" Jendeby had the following to say about the changes:
Because of our uncertainty regarding how long a potential stand-in would be needed, we would not want to pick a player from an already upcoming or successful team. Therefore, a lot of established players were removed from our potential recruits and it all came down to a few names of players that we felt had nothing to lose and everything to win. Players that are young, hungry and have great potential.
Niclas ‘Plessen’ Plessen has shown great potential and good knowledge of the game during times where we've played with and against him in FPL and we feel that he has what it takes to play at the highest level. We did not want to find a player that would take on every role that Olof had but a player that could grow with the team. We will give Plessen a lot of room and work around him so that he feels comfortable and can reach his potential as fast as possible.”