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Hearthstone8 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Decklist spotlight: Tars' Summoning Stone Druid from DreamHack Austin

Druid is still being figured out as a class post-Old Gods. At DreamHack, one Frenchmen explored a road nobody had thought to travel before.

We’ve seen C’Thun Druid, and Ramp Druid, and Beast Aggro Druid and even [card]Astral Communion[/card] Druid. But it’s not extremely often that somebody tries putting [card]Summoning Stone[/card] in a Druid list.

Yet, that’s exactly what French player Tars from team Melty Esports did at the recent DreamHack Austin. It was a crazy iteration on the old [card]Violet Teacher[/card] aggro token build, but the inclusion of Summoning Stone – not to mention [card]Yogg-Saron, Hope's End[/card] – made it unique.

The best part of this is the decklist being televised on the official DreamHack stream against none other than European champion Naiman. Down 1-2, Tars had to rely on Malfurion to beat both of Naiman’s Freeze Mage and Miracle Rogue, signature decks for the Kazakhstani player. Naiman’s facial expressions during the series are priceless.

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