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Hearthstone9 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

TGT decklist spotlight: Rdu’s secrets Paladin

Originally created by Darkwonyx and dubbed El Diablo, the secrets-heavy Paladin deck is back, now with a [card]Mysterious Challenger[/card] and the new TGT secret.

If the introduction of [card]Mysterious Challenger[/card] and [card]Competitive Spirit[/card] made you want to experiment with an unorthodox style of Paladin, Nihilum player Rdu will show you the way. With a saturated early-game curve, the deck aims to abuse the cool effects of Paladin secrets for a quick victory.

The key here is having a fast but resolute army, just how an Azeroth strike force would march. [card]Avenge[/card] and Competitive Spirit are cheap buffs to the multitude of early game minions while [card]Noble Sacrifice[/card] and [card]Redemption[/card] keep the important drops like [card]Knife Juggler[/card] and [card]Secretkeeper[/card] alive.

Of course, no Paladin Secrets deck would be complete without the brand new [card]Mysterious Challenger[/card]. The most expensive card in the deck, this 6-drop comes in towards the end of the mid-game to extract whatever secrets you have left in your deck while adding a solid 6/6 body to the battlefield.

Looking for more interesting TGT decks? Check out our deck library or this collection post over here. Of course, feel free to create a TGT deck of your own and share it with our community.

[deck linked]1742[/deck]

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