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Hearthstone9 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Decklist spotlight: High legend Resurrect combo/control Priest

Resurrect is a card that not many Priest decks use, but this is how one Hearthstone player used it to reach legend.

Two days ago, we stumbled upon a decklist created by /r/competitiveHS user Goldfather8, and he was running a Priest list unlike any other. Where most Anduin builds follow the standard route of either traditional control or the Chinese [card]Deathlord[/card] plus [card]Velen's Chosen[/card] iteration, Goldfather’s relied on totally different win conditions and playmakers.

For once, there’re two copies of [card]Resurrect[/card], a card you’ll never see in traditional lists. Goldfather dubs it a “game changer” and provides a couple of examples where the card gets a good use. Resurrecting a full-health [card]Injured Blademaster[/card]. Owning aggros by bringing [card]Wild Pyromancer[/card] back to life. Getting another [card]Auchenai Soulpriest[/card] after a Circle board clear. And finally, of course, getting a chance to get extra value out of the finishers.

Speaking of finishers, the deck is 100% BGH-safe, running unorthodox legendaries like [card]Troggzor the Earthinator[/card] and [card]Sneed's Old Shredder[/card]. Add the ubiquitous [card]Sylvanas Windrunner[/card] and [card]Vol'jin[/card] as well as a [card]Mind Control[/card] for good measure and you get a powerful end of curve.

Get to read his reddit post on the deck here. You can find more cool decks in our library or create one yourself.

[deck linked]1692[/deck]

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