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LoL11 years agoDreXxiN

An Interview with Nientonsoh

First off, thank you so much for taking the time to sit down with GosuGamers. Now, for the longest time, you were the AD player for Quantic's lineup and WildTurtle, who has been seen subbing various roles (mostly mid), has taken your spot as your primary AD while you move to AP. Is there any key reasonings behind this swap?

Well, Wildturtle seemed to be our best option, and he mainly wanted to play AD. I was fine with doing either ad or mid, so i just swapped over.

Was your decision influenced by the role you played in HoN? If so, how does a mid laner differ from HoN to LoL?

A little bit, i missed midlane, and it's pretty cool being the solo again. HoN vs LoL for mid lane, league is less based on lane control and more about making presence throughout the map, while simultaneously outfarming the other mid. However,
on hon it was almost strictly lane control mid, with the occasional roam if you were to get a good rune.

"League is less based on lane control and mroe about making presence throughout the map, while simultaneously outfarming the mid."

-Tell us one of your proudest moments of gaming, be it a huge play or an accomplishment in a general tournament.

My proudest moments? mmm, well, i haven't really achieved much yet, but i'd say being able to legitimately say that i play video games for a living is pretty cool.

Nientonsoh and former "Orbit Gaming"

What is your favorite hero and why? Any specific team compositions you like to run with your team that you’ve been practicing?

1.) Vayne, because you can just completely outplay anyone and i enjoy high skill cap champions. 2.) Not that i'd like to name! :) but there are a couple.

Tell us about the overall best experience you’ve had in E-sports and why.

Again, I don't have too many experiences yet, but just going to tournaments and playing in front of people, showing them what i have practiced so hard for, is always awesome.

"Showing them what I have practiced so hard for is always awesome."

When you were predominantly a Heroes of Newerth player, you played quite a bit with Scarra Are you guys still good friends to this day and is there anyone else you dragged to the LoL pool of players from HoN?

Me and Scarra are friends, we don't really talk as much as we used to, and nah i didn't drag anyone from HoN with me.

How do you feel about your current strength on AP compared to other mids, was AD to AP an easy transition for you?

My mid sucks really bad; AD to mid is a harder transition than i thought it would be, but i know i can do it, and I know I will be the best, just will take time.

What do you feel about the NA teams as opposed to other regions? What does NA need to improve on to keep up with the likes of Koreans?

NA teams aren't really that bad, they just need to spend a lot more time practicing/improving synergy as a team. Korean players induvidually are really not that much better than NA players, its just the teamwork they possess makes it so they appear to be on another level.


Just recently your team was acquired by Quantic, how have they been treating you?

They've been treating us well, and we are very excited to move into the gaming house!

What you had to undergo with Orbit is saddening and unfortunate to say the least; is there any plans to “bring justice” so to speak and make efforts to take back what you earned?

Honestly bringing justice would be nice, but at the end of the day it's really not worth the effort.

"Bringing justice would be nice, but at the end of the day it's really not worth the effort."

Understandable. So what do you tend to do in your free time when you are not training for LoL and tending to IRL matters?

Mostly just hang out with friends.

If someone were aspiring to have competitive gaming be a career path as you have, what advice and words of wisdom would you have to offer?

Don't give up, only look at yourself when trying to improve, don't blame others, practice makes perfect.

Did you have any other aspirations before competing to be a top contender in League of Legends/gaming?

Nah, i had no idea what i wanted to do with my life, this is a good alternative for a bit, though

Can't go wrong with video games for a living! How much do you practice on average a day or week?
A lot. haha

I see, any last words for your fans and the community?

thank you all very much for supporting me, and i will make everyone understand why i went to mid soon :)

* - Don't give up, only look at yourself when trying to improve, don't blame others, practice makes perfect.

Nientonsoh is the AP carry for Quantic Gaming and has most recently participated in the SoloMid Series with promising performance.. Stop over at our coverage hub at any point of time in the next week to keep yourself up to date. Check out our home page for more E-sports news, interviews, and coverage.

Interviewer: Michale "DreXxiN" Lalor

Past interviews by Michale 'DreXxiN' Lalor

Interview with I Pla w Pencils, amazing quadriplegic gamer

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