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General10 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

GosuGamers now supports Douyu TV streams

Today, GosuGamers takes another step towards a truly global eSports experience. Through the cooperation with our friends at Douyu TV, our readers will now be able to watch their favorite Chinese teams and personalities right from our pages.

GosuGamers’ mission has always been to provide a place where fans, players and teams from all sides of the world can come together and share their love for eSports. Throughout the years, you’ve seen the site expand to feature more and more major titles as well as get updated with new features to improve the coverage experience on the site and give you more things to read, do and talk about. Now, it’s time for yet another upgrade.

It is no secret that while eSports aims to be a global phenomenon, certain parts of the scene don’t enjoy the same exposure as others. This is especially true for Chinese eSports, where the language barrier and the use of local streaming platforms made it difficult – if not impossible – for the Western fan to tune in to his or her favorite players or catch a tournament not broadcast in English. We’ve encountered this problem ourselves particularly while covering Chinese League of Legends and looking for ways to watch and learn from our favorite Chinese Dota 2 players – it just wasn’t a convenient place which we could use to track and tune in to those. That’s why we decided to create our own.

We’re proud to announce that GosuGamers is officially the first western eSports website to work closely with the Chinese streaming platforms and bring them to our audience. This will not only add to our already vast stream database but, more importantly, will give you an easy entryway into learning how the Chinese pros play. We’ve already established a partnership with Douyu TV – the platform where you can watch Dota 2 household names like YYF or IceIceIce – with more streaming sites coming soon.

Our crew has already begun adding popular eSports streams and you’re welcome to help them out. Every GosuGamers user can freely add a stream he likes or follows to our database so other people can tune in to it once it goes live. This is done in a few simple steps:

  1. Find the stream id
  • Go to Douyu TV page of the stream you want to add
  • Below the stream, click the arrow pointing upwards
  • Go to the HTML line and scroll right until you find the room_id number. Copy that number



  1. Add the stream to GosuGamers
  • On, click the dropdown menu next to your username, then click “My streams” and then “Add Stream
  • Select stream name, game, language of the stream, description and tags
  • Select the streaming platform (in this case Douyu TV). In “Stream ID”, put the number of the room_id you just copied


We will continue working closely with other Chinese eSports platforms to bring you even more way to watch Eastern eSports. Additionally, we're available for all streaming platforms regardless of origins which want to reach out and work with us. Drop us a message at [email protected] if you like to have your platform represented on GosuGamers.

Stay tuned to future updates and, as usual, thanks for reading and supporting what we do.

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