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General13 years agoMarius "LML" Z

WeMade drops FOX

Yesterday WeMade Entertainment announced that they will no longer operate their progaming team FOX as of August, 31.

By the end of the month WeMade Entertainment will drop all of their progaming teams, besides their WarCraft 3 and StarCraft 2 team this will also include their BroodWar team.

This choice has been made in order to focus more on their original goal again, which was developing games.

Besides that they've also tried to sell the team, which seemed to not work out and made them come to the final decision of dropping it instead.
However, as it seems WeMade has asked KeSPA to take care of the BroodWar team which will either get them a new sponsor or the players will be sold to other teams in the form of bidding.

The future of the WarCraft 3 players is still not clear and will be discussed today.

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