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General14 years ago

Tenth Tournament passed

The tenth edition of the Tournament series was played past sunday, this time not being open to the public, but instead featuring those players who did best over the past nine tournaments. Tour #10 Top 4
1st$100Hungary Sziky
2nd-Russia FR.Heme
3rd-Hungary sas.Pez.
4th-United States LRM)GodZilla

After nine weeks there have been several different winners who managed to take home the first prize, coming with the benefits of $40. But also quite some players managed to get money from coming second, third or fourth. And every time each player playing got some points for their finishing. This week the thirtytwo players who managed to gather the most points so far were invited for a $100 tournament, the Tour #10, giving all of the one hundred dollars to the winner.

The winner was non other than the hungarian ex-ToT) Zerg player Sziky himself, managing to beat the russian powerhouse Terran FR.Heme by 4-1 in the finals, after starting 1-0, coming from the winner brackets, which he won by defeating his final opponent there with a two to zero score, already.
Third came the other hungarian player, known as sas.Pez. and playing Terran, beating LRM)GodZilla, aka LaStScan, in the loser brackets, before losing to FR.Heme.

As usual a replaypack of either the whole tournament or just the winner can be found on the tournament's page.

This seems to have been the season's finale, as there is no tournament set up for next Sunday on the website, as of now.

Links - Download the replays from this tournament

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