The website is starting a contest named "Predict StarCraft II's storyline" in which participants will have to give their witty prognoses... in 15 words or less. Needless to say, this opens a whole lot of ground for all of you to be funny, original, improvising, zipping your ingenious thoughts on the story in a few sentences. A jury, comprised of INCgamers staff and Contributors, will assess all that creativity and choose three competitors, whose accounts will be granted a SC2 beta access.

In addition, INCgamers will give away five more beta keys via random lottery including all members that participated in the aforementioned contest, further increasing one's chance to win.
The competition's deadline is Tuesday, April 6th, so this gives you one week to channel your imagination. More information about entry requirements and contest rules can be found on INCgamers' homepage.

INCgamers - Contest information