White-Ra spawns at the 9' O'clock base as the red protoss, and Jinro as the blue terran at 7' O'clock. Jinro opens with dual barracks while White-Ra is teching before he gets more units than a zealot and a sentry.
A nice little detail is White-Ra preventing Jinro from landing the barracks to a new spot by moving the probe around for a while, though nothing major, only saving White-Ra some time as he is making a robotics soon, and doesn't have any troops to hold off an early attack.
The first attack eventually comes, but White-Ra gets his first Immortal soon enough, and with help from a stalker, a sentry and a zealot, he manages to survive the attack without taking any serious damage. Jinro has his expansion ready by the end of the attack the game evolves into a long game. Jinro makes a reactor to his new factory, but doesn't make any hellions and rather lifts the factory off soon, thereafter landing a starport to the reactor. He then makes two early medivacs while White-Ra got his templar archives ready, and also the psi storm ability ready in short. White-Ra does have an observer in Jinro's base, but he does not spot the medivacs before the observer dies under marine fire.

By the time Jinro's marauders, ghosts, marines and medivacs reach White-Ra's troops of zealots, immortals and high templars, the high templars have energy for almost two storms each. Jinro drops a ghost to one of the cliffs in the middle to call down an EMP, but only hits two high templars with it. He makes up for the bad EMP shortly thereafter though, and hits the majority of White-Ra's army with the second EMP when the troops meet. White-Ra seems to get the upper-hand after the fight, and Jinro loads the medivacs with the units he's got left. The medivacs survives as White-Ra doesn't have any anti-air at this moment, and Jinro moves the medivacs to White-Ra's second expansion at the golden minerals, drops the marauders and marines to harass some probes.
White-Ra sends his army to save the base, and Jinro responds by loading the medivacs and dropping them onto the cliff of White-Ra's natural expansion, killing the assimilator as well as several probes. Also note how Jinro kills off the high templars before they get to pull off any storm.
Jinro continues to harass White-Ra's golden minerals expansion after moving them from the natural, but at the same time White-Ra counter attacks Jinro's golden minerals expansion as well as the main and the natural. While at it, he also adds another nexus at the 12' O'clock base for another expansion while Jinro does more drops, and harasses some more.
White-Ra seem to do some damage to Jinro's expansion as well as his main, having zealots and immortals attacking basically everywhere all around the terran's base, but somehow holds it off, and as White-Ra has put down another expansion at the 12' O'clock's natural, Jinro responds in dropping marauders at the cliff.
After this intensive part of the match, White-Ra ends up having three running expansions, against Jinro's two. Though Jinro keeps on harassing White-Ra's natural expansions from the cliffs with marauders, who have a long range and are able to kill off probes and zealots, while later adding a siege tank to the cliff. White-Ra counters the golden minerals expansion of Jinro again and again while being harassed by the marauders and siege tank on the cliff, but does not succeed to kill the planetary fortress by the golden minerals.
With psi storm, White-Ra finally clears the cliff of his 12' O'clock's natural expansion, and counters the golden minerals expansion yet again, but history repeats itself, and Jinro manages to save the base, which is almost mined out anyways.
The game evolves into a table-tennis match, with attacks back and forth, White-Ra makes a couple of Void Rays, but of little to no use, and Jinro expands at 3' O'clock, but gets attacked by White-Ra and floats his command center away from the action. A lot of action going on at all times but one fight overcomes the others: White-Ra puts down some beautiful psi storms on Jinro's infantry, but Jinro still manages to get on the top after the fight, killing all of the protoss troops. Is psi storm too weak against the terran infantry?
- Jinro

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