The two Zerg players ZerO and HyuK advanced from the MSL Survivor tournament, and will, like last season, enter the Round of 32.
ZerO could easily win the first game, with a remote third hatchery expansion and two speed zergling runbys at SnOw's poorly defended natural expansion.
Terran player UpMagiC saw the chance to bunker rush on HyuK's 12-hatch expansion and sent three SCVs and two marines to set up the pressure attack. HyuK was able to snipe one marine, so the lonely marine in the bunker did no substantial damage to the Zerg.
With ease, HyuK razed the bunker with his nine zerglings, and could then bit by bit advance on the eSTRO player's position and eliminate any SCVs and marines UpMagiC threw at him.

To counter, HyuK rushed to ZerO's main and went by the scarce zergling defense and destroyed all but one building (the one in HyuK's base). When going back to the base to kill it, ZerO outmicroed HyuK to eventually win the game and qualify for the Round of 32.

HyuK went on to win the last game on Odd-Eye 2 by mutalisk harassing SnOw until he had a substantial amount of hydralisks to raze the Protoss base.