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PSG Talon replaces Unified with Doggo for the upcoming MSI 2021

The Mid-Season Invitational 2021 is just around the corner and some concerning news comes out from PSG Talon's camp.

PSG Talon will be attending the MSI 2021 without their ADC, Chun-kit “Unified” Wong due to health concerns. Instead, they will be replacing him with Doggo from the second-place team of the PCS 2021 Spring Split, Beyond Gaming.

As for Chun-kit “Unified” Wong, he will remain in Hong Kong to rest and recover after suffering from pneumothorax, a condition where air leaks into the space between the lungs and chest causing it to collapse. Due to the severe nature of his condition, it didn't seem wise to have him travel due to the increased air pressure when flying.

With Doggo coming in as a replacement, PSG Talon will have their work cut out for them in group B. The young carry player from Taiwan is an exceptional talent but still unrefined due to his inexperience on the big stage.

Thankfully, language barriers wouldn't be a thing as they are all in the same region. However, they have just a little over a week left to train and try to accommodate one another's playstyles to suit Doggo.

We wish Chun-kit “Unified” Wong a quick and speedy recovery!

Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.

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