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General9 years ago

Hot6 Superleague Finals: MVP Black vs. Team DK Highlights and Analysis

In a shocking upset, Team DK pulls out an exceptional draft phase that counters out MVP Black's strong playstyle in the current meta which propels them to a seat at Blizzcon.

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After an amazing opening cinematic and an hour and a half delay, the Superleague championships began. In this series, new counters to the bruiser-centric meta rose out of DK to ultimately defeat MVP Black, including strong Illidan and Abathur synergies from DK Noblesse and DK Sniper respectively. DK focused heavily on target banning MVP Lockdown with 5 bans on Sonya and 4 on Zeratul, although Zeratul has shown a low win rate in Superleague. This draft strategy found a weak point in MVP and forced them to stray from double melee assassin compositions that have shown favor in recent weeks. DK sCsC rose to the occasion and played fantastically on both Arthas and Tyrael, often turning or stalling fights for his team.



G1: Cursed Hollow

Draft // Game Start

As mentioned in the introduction, DK revealed an extremely strong draft phase that caught MVP offguard and even forced MVP Lockdown on Thrall in the first game by banning the Butcher and Sonya. Zeratul was chosen for KyoCha, but was countered by both Tassadar and a high sustain oriented team composition out of DK. DK Sniper and Noblesse were allowed to play the Abathur and Illidan combination that had high potency on Cursed Hollow versus Snake last week. During the first fight over the objective, Team DK takes a strong fight through sustaining. Cmoving’s Tassadar stalled the objective while DK regenerated and eventually overtook MVP’s more burst style composition.

Afterwards, MVP Sake gets caught in bottom lane and DK takes the curse on the opposite side of map. DK proceeds to begin their boss as MVP pushes middle lane. MVP motions to take their own boss but rotate back top to clear DK’s boss. Because of MVP’s rotation to clear boss, DK takes MVP’s boss which is near the third curse and gains massive momentum. DK takes every mercenary camp on the map by the 9th minute of the match and maintains a 2 level advantage.

Multiple fights afterwards highlight DK’s dominance this game:


G2: Dragon Shire

Draft // Game Start

In game 2, MVP bans out Cmoving’s Jaina and sCsC's Arthas but DK prevents Sonya and Azmodan, who are strong in stacking damage on the smaller Dragon Shire. MVP again decided to run the double melee assassin with Zeratul and the Butcher this time. DK once more found a way to beat the aggressive compositions MVP creates. In game 2, this was achieved through Tyrael's sanctification, which often saved a teammate who was stuck in Lamb of the Slaughter.

Key highlights of game 2 are as follows:




G3: Tomb of Spider Queen

Draft // Game Start

In game 3, the Azmodan pick snuck through for MVP and has high potential on Tomb of the Spider Queen. In response, DK constructed a team focused on rotating and keeping Azmodan locked down. sCsC was placed on Arthas, whom he had an 8-0 record on before this game. For some reason, DK also banned Zeratul although he was easily beaten in the first two games.

Game 3 was particularly hectic and came down to a few late game pick-offs, here are the highlights:


G4: Sky Temple

Draft // Game Start

In game 4, MVP looked to continue momentum but had a shaky draft that was countered heavily by DK. E.T.C. was chosen over other tanks for MVP to synchronize with their AOE team composition and then Sylvanas was quickly chosen to negate any Mosh Pits from E.T.C. Cmoving was given Sgt. Hammer, a hero he was 2-0 with and DK continued to ban melee assassins.

Game 4 was quite dominant for DK, key highlights are as follows:




G5: Garden of Terror: Game to Watch

Draft // Game Start

In game 5's draft phase, both the Lost Vikings and Rehgar were banned because DK goes for their strong Abathur and Illidan combination. In response, Brightwing was chosen by MVP, who is pretty strong versus the engage of DK. Game 5 is the game to watch because of how close the battle was, in the first two objective rounds there were perfect 90-90 seed splits and mercenary rotations.

Many back and forth fights littered the map, here are the key ones to watch:


G6: Infernal Shrines

Draft // Game Start

In game 6, DK was forced off of a lot of choice heroes and MVP takes Sgt. Hammer, who is a great pick on the Infernal Shines due to its nooks and crannies to shoot from and her ease at taking objectives. MVP went for the Butcher pick again to lockdown DK’s carries and overall had a stronger draft by knocking sCsC off of Arthas and Tyrael and Sniper off of Abathur.

The highlights for the final game are as follows:


With this victory, Team DK, originally a crew of ex-Starcraft players, have earned their spot at BlizzCon through a hectic, inaugural season for Korean Heroes of the Storm.

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