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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

The 5 things players are most excited about in the upcoming patch.

Fans have already dubbed the upcoming patch as one of the best in the games history, citing numerous quality of life changes and much needed buffs and nerfs. Check out the biggest reasons everyone has reason to smile.

See the patch notes here.

The latest patch notes are all about quality of life for Heroes players. These changes demonstrate Blizzard's watchful eye over common concerns and requested balance changes the community has been shouting about for months. 

There is a lot to cover, but for now, here are the 5 patch changes that we are most excited about.

1. Revamped Loading Screens!

Loading Screens will now display the players on each team along the left and right edges of the screen, and include the following information:

  • Player name, portrait, and portrait border
  • Loading progress
  • Selected Hero for that game

Finally, there is a reason to stay at the loading screen! Not only will this cut down on AFK's, but allow even more time to strategize. This is a small change, but makes the game feel more complete. Not to mention- everyone has been asking for it.

2. Visible Buffs and Debuffs

  • A new Healing Fountain icon has been added to the right of the Hero portrait to indicate whether Healing Fountains are available for use, or on cooldown.
  • Buffs granted via Talents have been reworked, and now appear underneath the player’s Health and resource bars, to the right of the Healing Fountain icon.
  • Buff icons for Talents such as Seasoned Marksman, Focused Attack, Regeneration Master, etc., will also indicate the number of stacks earned.

More information! When buffs and debuff icons were first removed, the community at large let out a collective sigh. In an attempt to become more new player friendly, Blizzard needlessly removed information that more competitive players used to understand the game. It doesn't sound like EVERY de-buff and buff has been included, but this is a step in the right direction.

Next up on the list: an updated emote wheel?

3. Ideal Hero buffs and nerfs

 ZeratulJohanna, and Leoric nerfs. ChenE.T.C.Diablo and Stitches buffs.

Nothing feels better than seeing three of the best heroes in the game get slight nerfs, while three of the weakest heroes game get large, creative buffs. The Zeratul nerfs in particular are a stroke of genius by Blizzard; it doesn't remove what the hero is capable of doing, but makes it harder to do.

The Stitches buffs make me excited to play Heroes. By redefining the hero as a the premiere "Anti-Mage" tank, it threatens the Kael'Thas / Jaina dominance and allows Stitches to fill a role that doesn't exist yet. Good changes all around. E.T.C is also beginning to look like a serious tier 1 contender. His powerslide stun is now only .25 seconds less powerful than a Muradin stun, and his health pool and regen have also been given generous buffs.

4. Mega-buffed try mode.

The size of the Try Mode Battleground has been increased to accommodate a new playable area below the lane.

Siege and Bruiser Mercenary Camps have been added.

A Target Dummy has been added.

When attacking the Target Dummy, a new panel will display on-screen that will track damage per second and total damage dealt to the Dummy.

The Try Mode in-game controls have been reworked and moved to the left-hand side of the screen. Additionally, several new Try

Mode controls have been added, and others have been updated:

  • Toggle Ally – Enable or disable Malfurion in-lane
  • Toggle Cooldowns – Enable to remove Ability cooldowns
  • Set Level – Drag the slider to select the desired level, up to 30. Reset Talents – Click to reselect all Talents
  • Try Mode will now remember which settings were selected during the previous game, and will apply them when entering a new Try Mode game.

I think this is actually one of the greatest parts about the new patch. Try mode has always been lack-luster, but it was still our only true sandbox method to test builds and heroes quickly.

Now, the potential for testing and DPS maxing is at an all time high. The Target Dummy alone would of been a fantastic inclusion, but the DPS and Total damage dealt tracker really spoils us. 

Also. We will never have to click level up 20 times ever gain. A slider that drags? Pinch me Blizzard.

5. A.I talent builds

A.I. controlled Heroes will now select their Talents from a group of preset Talent builds.

I can't think of something I have heard players ask about more than some solution to A.I choosing talents during disconnects. Getting disconnected from a game is bad enough, but finally re-connecting with a disadvantage makes you not want to play anymore.

This solution is simple, and manages to solve both problems at the same time. A.I allies will get stronger due to real talent builds with pre-planned synergy, and players that re-connect back into the game won't be totally disadvantaged.

What changes from the new patch do you think make the game better? Let us know in the comments section!

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