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Virtus.pro's team captain speaks: "If you are blaming us, you are destroying us"

On the 11th of July, Cebkaje logged on twitch to stream some matches for his fans. After the chat continually brought up the recent series of losses Virtus.pro have been going through, he took the time to speak candidly about a wide variety of topics, including the teams weak points, his predictions on the Chinese meta, and what it feels like to lose after working so hard.

The broadcast was in Russian and below is a translation of his thoughts:

Cebkaje first brings up the losses his team has suffered recently and is thoughts on Chinese competition

"We had a lot of losses in the last tournaments. We are also playing in a new patch. You remember when I said we do not use the meta picks- we are the meta-makers. This new patch had a big effect for our teamplay and we have some problems. But we are ready to solve it and, I think, no I'm sure we can fix this before the Chinese event.

I am most interested in how MVP Black does. I don't know which Chinese team will play with us in 1st round, but I think it will be eStar. They are the best team in China but we will try to beat them. eStar is on the 3d place of GosuGamers rankings, so it will be interesting to see firsthand the level of Heroes play in China. It will also be our practice before MSI in August."

He then went on to directly address people in his chat criticising his teams reason for losing.

"You are saying I always lie about our only problems being getting used to new patch. I think it is easy to analyse like this and ask what is the real problem, but I'm not only here to sit and press buttons. I know something about this game and I have some success in game, and i'm telling you now you shouldn't blame teams if they lose.

I know there are a lot of fans who feel for us and they are sad for this losses, but we are very upset too. If you are blaming us, you are destroying us. No one like to lose, no matter if it is a big tournament or small one. It is like this with all sports, including eSports: If you are not 1st, you can not be happy."

He closes his thoughts by revealing some of the emotional ups and downs that come with being an eSports competitor.

"However, if you are not the winner it at least means you can get better.  Maybe you didn't play as much as you had to, or didn't play as good as you can.

Today, you might win and it was good and you are satisfied. Tomorrow you might lose and it happens sometimes. It is ok. But I don't know how we can give normal interview after a loss. Just imagine someone playing for a long time. They play for a huge amount of time every day. After all this work he loses the tournament. He sits with all his world crashing around him and other world against him.

And you want him to give you this interview with funny smile and cheerful words? In this case all he wants to say is a lot of bad words. ESports give you a lot of emotions. If you lose it is over, the end.

If you win you are so happy you can shout! I think all my neighbours are very happy to hear me shouting out from balcony in 3 AM!"

Virtus.Pro is currently ranked 9th on our global Heroes rankings. Cebkaje is the teams support player and captain.


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