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Hearthstone9 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Faramir takes first championship at Heroes of Cards 4 [decklists inside]

Jan "Faramir" Engelmann came out as the Heroes of Cards 4 champion after a six-game duel against Method's Mauro "Pini" Blanco. 

It was a tough road to the trophy for the IHearthU player. Paired against Forsen in round one, Faramir fought for five series and only walked away victorious due to Swede's poorer play and bad decision making. The semi final was against former DKMR team-mate Hosty and once again Faramir had to play all five games before his control warrior could prevail. 

With warrior being the class that decided both previous rounds, Faramir pulled it out first against Spanish underdog from team Method Pini in the grand final. The Spaniard had already slain DreamHack Summer champion Rdu and his MYM team-mate ThijsNL and was within reach of writing own Cinderella story.

Yet, he almost went home without winning a single game. Stable as ever, Faramir's warrior took three in a row, reducing Pini to his mech mage only and putting himself in a very favourable match-up. 

"I was worried about that mage," Faramir would later say in an interview with Kripp and Frodan and with good reason. Game four saw Pini unload his had through [card]Mechwarper[/card] and push for a quick victory. Faramir tried to switch to shaman as a more anti-aggro class but that too failed and IHU's player started to get worried: he had already lost two match-ups that should've gone more or less in his favor.

Then, the [card]Muster for Battle[/card] paladin came out, a deck which had already shown its potency during the Kinguin Invitational where players like StrifeCro piloted it to brutal victories. Soon, the army of Uther had grown beyond control. Faramir had more minions, more life, more heal and without any [card]Flamestrike[/card] in Pini's deck, the Spaniard knew there was no coming back. 


Germany Faramir
Sweden Forsen
Canada Hosty
Ukraine Kolento
Poland Lothar
Spain Pini
Romania Rdu
Netherlands ThijsNL

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