Cargo Studio aims to provide budding game developers with support in areas including data analytics, resource management.
Cargo Studio is a Singapore-based game incubator that has developed a platform for indie developers to build and ship games more easily.
Earlier this year, the incubator has already helped turn two game ideas, Rumble Jungle and Aesir Defence, into market-ready game products. Both made-in-Singapore titles debuted last week at Gamescom Asia 2021.
Big game companies have been setting up studios in Singapore over the last two decades, generating more interest and creating jobs in the games industry. Institutions here have been designing courses on games development to meet the demand for professionals in this sector, with an estimated 1,800 trained graduates entering the market every year. “There is a lot of talent in Singapore, and through consolidating our resources and expertise, we hope to build an environment where game developers, whether working solo or in a team, can share and leverage one another’s knowledge. We hope our incubation program can create more success stories that can boost our games industry.
- Samson Oh, Managing Director of Cargo Studio
Season 2 of Cargo Studio’s incubation program is already in session, featuring 25 incubatees from six teams. Game enthusiasts can look forward to mobile games and physical card games that are currently being developed.
Those interested in more information about the program can check it out at