Valve implemented the Winter Season update for Dota Plus Subscribers and added a new music pack available for purchase by all players.
Dota Plus Winter Update comes, as every season, with a new treasure, this time containing item sets for Spirit Breaker, Chaos Knight, Riki, Treant Protector, Arc Warden, Undying, and Lina. The treasure also has a very rare chance to drop a Bionic Birdie courier equipped with random prismatic and kinetic gems.
Dota Plus quests have been reset, which means that the subscribers have now a new chance at gathering up to 115,200 shards over the course of the season. The Guild rewards have been switched as well and for this season they are as follows:
- Emoticon - invoker_dry
- Emoticon - luna_rage
- Emoticon - manta
- Spray - Spirit Breaker Choo Choo
- Spray - Lion Laugh
- Spray - Undying RIP
- Chat Wheel - "Absolutely Perfect"
- Chat Wheel - "Как же это сочно, ах!"
- Chat Wheel - "漂~ 亮!"
With the same update, Valve added a heavy metal music pack composed by Humanity's Last Breath, which “brings a brutal edge to the soundscape of battle.” The pack can be purchased for $4.99 regardless of having a Dota Plus subscription or not.
Additionally, the game developer gave a few details on the awaited Battle Pass, which is now promised to arrive “in the next few weeks” filled with winter holiday-themed content.