Newbee.Y will be taking the second of two slots available in the Chinese closed regional qualifiers after their victory over CDEC.A in the second open qualifiers.
From tomorrow, the 25th of June onwards, Newbee.Y will be competing with nine other Chinese teams in a round robin format for one of the two spots in The International 6's closed regional qualifiers. The team earned their spot in the closed qualifiers after beating two time open qualifier finalists CDEC.A, 2-1.
Game one
The two teams broke even in the early game, with Newbee.Y's aggressive tri-lane failing to cripple the enemy carry, but succeeding in forcing the carry to split creep XP with the supports. When CDEC.A's Death Prophet hit level eight, they started rotating, taking the Radiant top tier one tower first, then attempting the Radiant mid tier one. During the middle attempt at 11 minutes, CDEC.A were hit by a four man Slithereen Crush and wiped 4-0. Two minutes later, CDEC.A lost three heroes in another team fight when two smokes collided, and at 16 minutes, another tier one push went bad, resulting in a four for one trade. At the 20 minute mark, Newbee.Y was able to sneak a Rosh and secured three kills, this broke Newbee.Y's spirit and GG was called.
Game two
This game started well for all heroes but the Centaur, who was zoned out of XP range and killed twice. A few kills and towers were traded, but nothing of note happened until the 19 minute mark, where Newbee.Y got a successful smoke and took Rosh and a tower off it. However, Newbee.Y got greedy, tried for the high ground and quickly lost three heroes, allowing CDEC.A to equalize the game. The pace of the game dropped after the failed high ground. At 30 minutes, a Riki pick-off forced Newbee.Y to contest CDEC.A's Rosh attempt with a disadvantage, leading to a 3-0 kill result in favor of CDEC.A. A period of farming dawned for the next ten minutes, and when CDEC.A's Weaver got his Daedalus, he carried his team to victory with an ultra kill at 40 min. Newbee.Y gave way and called GG at 50 minutes.
Game three
Once again, the game started without too much happening. Axe and Enigma were jungling and Juggernaut and Clinkz were free farming. When the Axe's Blink came online, the game begun to see action. Both teams traded kills quite evenly, holding five kills each at 15 minutes and a 11-9 kill score in favor of Newbee.Y at 22 minutes. As the game dragged on, Newbee.Y 's three slotted Medusa came online, securing the team Rosh, and then the victory.
Click here for results, VODs and all the other information
Headline image from Newbee's Twitter