Its been a long and tiresome journey, but Team Secret have qualified from the first European Open Qualifiers, and are through to the regional qualifiers for TI6!
Game One :
Game one started off with interesting drafts from both sides, as Danish Bears opted for an early harassment lineup against Secrets late game. Despite having a good early harassment team Danish Bears did not manage to take a very extensive lead during the laning stage of game one with the scoreboard being very similar in respect to kills - until the mid-game mark - but with a slight advantage to the side of Secret in terms of net worth. As we moved in to the mid-game things started to slow down and both team were very cautious and passive, with only a few smoke ganks and rotations coming into play. It was during this time that Danish Bears decided to attempt to kill Roshan, but it was shortly scouted out by Jacky 'EternalEnvy' Mao's Terrorblade illusion which caused an immediate rotation to the pit for a team fight. With Secret coming out on top and winning the fight they decided to finish off Roshan, but upon realization the Danish Bears were quick to respond and snatched the aegis with Puck, but died instantly.
Things just went downhill for Danish bears from here, EE farmed as efficiently as humanly possible and had 330 last hits at roughly thirty minutes and it only took one more team fight in favour of Secret for Danish Bears to tap out and call "GG", giving Secret victory for game one.
Game Two :
Learning their lesson from game one, Danish Bears drafted a semi late game lineup for game two in hopes of securing the laning phase, although they allowed EternalEnvy his Terrorblade yet again which proved to be a wrong decision soon enough. Secret adapted rapidly, also going for a semi late game lineup. Giving the Legion Commander a solo safe lane against the Batrider, meant that she was able to level up duel at a very solid timing of 5 minutes, which allowed her to gank Artour 'Arteezy' Babaev to try and get a sneaky duel behind tier 1 mid. Even though Arteezy died, Legion was not able to gain the Duel damage due to Clemenet 'Puppey' Ivanov’s amazing Centaur stun preventing the killing blow by Legion.
After a very passive early game, the match started to pick up as Danish Bears tried multiple smoke ganks even as far as to dive behind a tier two tower to attempt to get any source of damage for the Legion, only to find Arteezy on his Invoker, which at the time was one of the harder targets to try and Duel. As the mid-game progressed, it was clear to see that Danish Bears were on the verge of desperation as their fights were in shambles and all over the place, and yet again EternalEnvy on his Terrorblade outfarmed their carry, and cleaned up everyone with his active Black King Bar.
Although the Bears managed to sustain a bit longer during the final moments, they were just delaying the inevitable, as EternalEnvy was growing stronger every second. One final Roshan kill and a push with Aegis was all it took for Danish Bears to fall out, and call "GG", and with that, Team Secret qualified!
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