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Dota 29 years ago

A three hour AMA marathon by Goblak

About 200 questions were asked in total on the website, the main partner of Team Spirit. Most of them were addressed and answered in Russian, as is a long standing website aimed at helping to grow the CIS community by organizing a lot of amateur tournaments and even sponsoring a couple of teams, including Aspera, SFZ and now Team Spirit.

Courtesy of Team Spirit we are able to share the English translation for the most eloquent questions.


Hello, Artour. Everybody remembers past CIS-reshuffles with a lot of people being kicked after a lost tournament. Why do most CIS teams belong to Tier 2-3? Should they play longer together?

They definitely should.

How did your journey in Dota begin?

I have a higher education diploma, but still like my current occupation better. It all began in a computer club.

Did your family’s attitude towards e-Sports change? How did it happen?

Yes, it did, it was changing as e-Sports grew popular.

Hi, Artour. You said that a statsman was brought into your team. Did it help Team Spirit?

Yes, he brought a lot to the table.

Hello, Artour. I’m a support player and I’m worried about some of the latest changes to the role, such as ability to upgrade Mekansm to Greaves, to stack wards in inventory and constant reducing of teleport scroll price. All this makes game much easier for a support and makes player’s role in a game much less important. Don’t you think Dota is moving in a wrong direction?

Nowadays supports are more reliable in a late game which makes the game more entertaining. I don’t like some of the changes, of course, but most of them are right.

Artour, my friend, please tell me, do you still play Dota 2 for fun? Please, tell me this secret!

As I am a professional player, the answer is ‘no’, but I wish I could answer ‘yes’.

Why was Illidan kicked?

He wasn’t kicked, both parties just understood we couldn’t achieve much with that roster.

Do you like the current patch?

I do

What was the most difficult part of your career?

Last year’s stay with Na’Vi

What’s captain’s role in a team?

To pick, coordinate others, manage training process and much more.

Hi, Artour, it’s obvious that you are one of the best scouts in the scene and that you found a lot of talents. Why doesn’t your organization start some ‘e-Sports school’ to find some high-skilled players to use for your team latter on?

Maybe if I retire, we will put this idea into the life.

You are one of the most experienced players and it seems to me that such players lose their motivation to the game in some way. Is it true? Do you still play Dota a lot?

Yes, it’s true.

How should Russian community be improved?

It’s all about manners :)

What’s your dream team?

Miracle, Agressif, Universe, Crit, Puppey,

Who are the most enjoyable players to play with?

Dendi, Lil, Silent.

title image source: MDL

Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota