The second game of the day would see a CIS battle as Na’Vi took on Virtus Pro.
After going down rather easily to OG in the first round, Na'Vi would be hoping to make a stand and continue their run in ESL One Frankfurt, but another CIS team are in their way, also hoping to not be eliminated, Virtus Pro. With Alohadance now back, VP wouldn't be the walk-in-the-park that Na'Vi wants it to be.
Game One
A very well manufactured turnaround play by the Tidehunter of Yoky in the top lane ensured that first blood went the way of VP, even with three Na’Vi players surrounding him. VP continued to utilise their great team draft to find kills across the map and dropped the tier one tower top prior to eight minutes. But Na’Vi started finding their way back into the game as VP jumped into fights without their Tidehunter and ended up losing four in a fight near the Dire’s tier two mid tower.
With twenty minutes passed, Na’Vi headed into the Rosh pit and claimed an Aegis before taking two kills as they chased VP back towards base. But even their great fights, Na’Vi did not have map control, as VP found it easy to drop towers across the map with the use of Exorcism. However, things started falling apart for VP as they once again lost a team fight in the Dire jungle, as Na’Vi dropped most of the team before they pushed the bot tier two. And a failed Ravage from Tidehunter as Na’Vi moved back caused VP to lose their mid tier two tower as well.
With thirty nine minutes gone, Na’Vi dropped the melee barracks mid, and as VP smoked up and moved to find a final attempt to kill the Dire team, they lost four and had to concede game one to Na’Vi.
Game Two
Na’Vi started the game with a massive advantage as they took down three from the VP line up in an early team fight and only lost one. But the VP bot lane managed to bring the game back into their favour, constantly killing off General on his Slardar. With sixteen minutes passed, VP had the lead back in their favour and headed into Rosh pit. But VP wanted to contest it and ended up losing the fight, tying the scores at 11-11 with an Aegis now in Na’Vi’s hands.
However, VP continued with their constant pressure and took control of the game again and pushed the high ground top lane. The Radiant then fell back before they looked to take another fight and dropped four of the Na’Vi line up mid and pushed down the mid melee barracks too. VP dominated the Dire line up and after a drawn out team fight thirty two minutes in, they dropped the top barracks and a tier four tower too.
After thirty five minutes, Na'Vi had taken enough of a beating - mainly from Alohadance playing an untouchable Slark - and called the GG, tying the series 1-1.
Game Three
With both teams now staring down the elimination tunnel, one of them would be leaving ESL One Frankfurt, while the other would be moving forward to try retain their position in the tournament.
This time around, VP had a great start, having a 3-1 lead when six minutes had passed. VP continued to place pressure onto the Na’Vi line up and even after Na’Vi took an Aegis they lost the proceeding team fight. As twenty minutes passed, VP still controlled the game, but Na’Vi had begun to make their presence felt.
Na’Vi, with a glimmer of hope in their hands, managed to kill four as they took a fight on the Dire side of Rosh pit, and were gaining more control of the game as time went on. When VP’s Magnus landed a two man Reverse Polarity mid lane, the game seemed to be going back into their favour but somehow Na’Vi managed to turn the fight completely and took down four from VP again, while only losing one. Na’Vi used their superior map control and pushed mid, where they dropped the barracks.
Na’Vi then moved top and dropped the tower and ranged barracks, but VP mustered their strength and wiped the Dire team. Now it was VP’s time to come back into the game. But Na’Vi had different plans and they took another skirmish and moved quickly to drop the top barracks before backing off. With forty five minutes gone, Na’Vi managed to drop the entire VP line-up inside their base and unfortunately for VP they would be leaving ESL One Frankfurt as they called GG.
Na’Vi take the CIS battle series 2-1 and will go on to face compLexity Gaming later today.