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Dota 29 years ago

The International 2016 Collector’s Cache has arrived

The 2016 Collector’s Cache comes with the first ever item sets for Bane, Undying, Arc Warden, Winter Wyvern, Zeus, Shadow Fiend and Tinker, and it’s available for the Battle Pass owners exclusively.

A total of sixteen item sets, most of them community created, are available in this year’s Collector's Cache along with a rare and an ultra rare courier. Although Zeus, Tinker, Shadow Fiend and Undying already have an immortal item from last year’s TI compendium, this time around they received a full item set. The treasure is up in the Dota 2 Store for $1.99 with 25% of the proceeds of each sale going to The International 6 prize pool. As a new feature, purchasing Collector’s Caches will bring you Battle Points. From 2,000 points for one treasure, to 5,000 at seven purchased caches to finally 20,000 points for 13 Collector’s Caches you can receive up to 27 Battle Passes levels. Additionally, each set in the Cache can be recycled for two levels.

It's worth mentioning that the items from Collector’s Cache 2016 are exclusive and cannot be purchased elsewhere. However, each set can be gifted once and the ultra rare Hakobi and Tenneko courier is marketable.

With the chances for a rare item drop increasing with every treasure we open, it’s expected that this treasure addition will bring a heavy boost in the upcoming days to the continuously growing prize pool. In the two weeks since the Battle Pass was launched, the prize pool has reached the $9,000,000 milestone which puts it nearly one million ahead of last year’s progress.

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Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota