TyLoo have been forced to step down from TBS's ongoing ELEAGUE after being unable to obtain visas in time.
With ELEAGUE now in full swing with preliminary matches, some teams have already run into snags with scheduling and other issues, most recently TSM's Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken announcing he would be unable to play in the league due to being underage. Now the sole Asian representation in ELEAGUE, TyLoo, have been forced to forfeit their slot after being unable to acquire visas to the United States in time to play in the offline stages.
ELEAGUE have reacted quickly, however, having already swapped in the North American Selfless Gaming in to fill the vacancy. Selfless themselves have their own set of problems as well though, with the team down to only four players after cutting Michael "Uber" Stapells from their starting lineup. Selfless Gaming are yet to announce a replacement for Stapells.
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