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StarCraft 211 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Newest balance map adjusts widow mine splash damage

The attempts of the Blizzard balance team to find a working solution continue on the newest test map, which adjusts the unit's damage dealt in relation to the splash radius.

The widow mine's splash has been particularly problematic for Zerg players who had immense troubles getting their core mobile units like zerglings and banelings through Terran's minefield. In the current official version of the client, the widow mine deals an additional 40 damage in a 1.75 radius (that's in addition to its regular single-target 125+35 vs shields damage), which meant quick death for clumped units.

Now being tested on the balance map is a solution that aims to tone down widow mine's ability to evaporate huge armies of weak enemies. The damage now scales down the farther a unit is from the point of impact and while units within 1.25 will take the regular 40 splash damage, those outside will take either 20 (if between 1.25 and 1.5) or 10 (between 1.5 and 1.75 range). For Zerg players in particular, this means that both their zerglings and banelings outside the 1.25 range will require two widow mine shots to die or three to four if they're in the most outer perimeter of the splash.

The other proposed change is oracle's revelation being returned to 9 range and it effect persisting after burrowed or cloaked units that have been revealed become unburrowed/uncloaked.


  • Oracle
    • Revelation casting range has returned to 9.
    • Units that burrow or cloak while under the effects of Revelation will once again be revealed after unburrowing or uncloaking.


  • Widow Mine
    • Sentinel Missiles splash damage radius has returned to 1.75.
  • Sentinel Missiles now deal reduced damage to units caught within its splash radius based on their distance from the target:

40 damage within 1.25 radius
20 damage from 1.25 to 1.5 radius
10 damage from 1.5 to 1.75 radius

Source: Battle.net

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