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WarCraft 317 years agoRaistlin

5 Questions to Grubby, King of Kings


In the fourth game of today's NGL-ONE, you latepicked Human. Have you been practicing Human, considering to switch race?

- I've been *playing* every race, but especially felt free to choose human against Happy's orc on LT. He hinted at some invisible rule though, which the Admin denied the existence of... so in the end, after a few of his temper tantrums and race switching (me orc, hu, orc, him ud, orc,ud)... he said "ok go orc vs ud".


Do you expect DeMusliM to eventually do the same or better as ToD in 4Kings?

- That's a question best left answered later. DeMusliM only recently got integrated into the international squad. Expectations for him from the public are not too high, and I think he can only do better than expected. Let's see how things will go.


With Creolophus going inactive and ToD leaving, would you consider this 4Kings' biggest "crisis" during your time in the team?

- Nah I think it was good to blow some steam off the kettle, I don't consider this a crisis. A crisis is when a team is falling apart, or dying, can't win a match anymore, or when it loses its sponsors. We have none of these problems. As I said, expectations are low, and we can only do better than that in my opinion.


LiiLD.C has been in the team for two and a half month now; has he lived up to your expectations?

- Yeah, he's coming along nicely, and he learns fast. He's also working quite hard, despite the fact that he's only semi-pro (still has school)


Gravitas Gaming (former New Russia) has decided to move in to an apartment to train and live together; is that something that we might see in the future for 4Kings?

- That's one of the things that we always want to do, but what's hard to realise. The timing is also crucial. I guess it's kinda easier for NWRS, since they're all russian (except Frozen)... the distance some of them travels is rather great, because Russia is rather big, but at least they're not moving to a different country. When you're all playing together, it really motivates you to play all the time. The working atmosphere is better, you spur each other on, and there seem to be much less distractions. So it really helps. It's also always good to get together with your team now and then to do some quality bonding. It would be nice especially now since we got some newer members :) The veterans can learn things from the rookies, and other way around =)

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