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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

4.10 Patch Notes -- AD Carry Revisions and more

AD carries are receiving some huge changes as well as a couple jungle changes in this patch.

AD Carry itemization will be completely different with new items being introduced as well as revisions to old items.  Bloodthirster will be prioritized much less as the Doran's Blade offers enough % lifesteal to hold most AD carries over.  In the meantime, attack speed is heavily valued, as most attack speed items have been buffed across the board.

In addition to AD Carry changes, supports have received new item paths as well, and Randuin's Omen has been nerfed which indirectly buffs AD Carries as well.  Two champions, Nidalee and Skarner have been reworked.

In addition, Phreak of Riot Games is hosting a stream to mathcraft DPS of new item paths.

Source - Riot Games


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