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Kori returns to MYM's mid lane, gets fined for contract breach

Photo: LoLesports

Marcin "Kori" Wolski will be re-hired as the mid lane player for Meet Your Makers despite his last minute departure from the team right before the LCS EU opened. 

Meet Your Makers did not have the best start in the league. Mere days before the season began, their midlaner Kori suddenly decided he doesn't want to play with the team and the devils were left seeking a replacement on a tight deadline. Eventually, Marius "Blizer300" Hæsumgaard was acquired but playing with a last-minute substitute ultimately resulted in a harsh two weeks for the European roster. MYM are currently tied for seventh place at 1-3 with losses to SK, Giants and H2K and a singular triumph against another bottom-of-table team, the Copenhagen Wolves.

"We’d like to thank Marius “Blizer300” Hæsumgaard for his solid performance as a substitute player for the team," reads the official announcement on "He had to step in at one of the most difficult times as the LCS was planned to start the following day. The team has a lot of respect for his decision to help us out at the last minute and we’d like to say that he hasn’t let us down."

MYM will fill the crack with the player who opened it in the first place, Marcin "Kori" Wolski. On MYM's official site, the Polish player admits that he was "very selfish" and took the decision in a moment when he was "really emotionally shattered". According to MYM management, Kori's return to his starting position is possible as his contract is still in effect but he'll be nonetheless fined for his absence during the opening weeks of the season. 

With the roster back to where it's supposed to be, MYM will have to scramble for a comeback in the LCS standings this week. Today, they're playing #3 in the league Elements in a match that's shaping to be a tough one but tomorrow they're up against ROCCAT, a team that shares MYM's low position in the standings and is also struggling to put up results.


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