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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

Millenium narrowly secure their spot in the EU LCS Summer Split


After an incredibly long 7 hour day consisting of a fully played out best of 5 series, with four of the games surpassing the 1-hour mark, Millenium re-secure their spot and pull off what many believe to be an upset against Ninjas in Pyjamas.

Game 1 was perhaps the most normal of the bunch.  Early lane swaps commenced with a 3v0 instead of the traditional 4-0 with each team taking one tower.  NiP were able to take the early lead with farms and dragons.  NiP were looking like the far superior team due to showing superior rotations.  

Near the end of the game, Ninjas in Pyjamas were able to win a very crucial 4v5 and end the game in what would look like a complete skill mismatch between the teams.

Once again in Game 2, Ninjas in Pyjamas looked superior in nearly every way, with Huberto starting off with First Blood. Ninjas in Pyjamas stomped early, but Millenium were able to come back in kills.  However, they were still grossly behind in gold and towers.

While NiP could have won early, the game dragged on for over 70 minutes.  With a stall assisted by Kerp's mid Soraka, Millenium amazingly held off and were able to win game two of the set.

Game 3 was very long and indecisive, but this game, Kev1n was doing much better than Zorozero in lane, which would be essential to Millenium's success.  On top of that, Hulberto was not doing so hot with his smites and lost multiple dragons to Kottenx, who was able to steal it under his nose.

NiP's confidence was clearly shaken up, but they were still hanging in there.  The two teams, unable to close out decisively, ended up pulling cheeky two-man barons. When NiP went for theirs, Millenium rotated better despite NiP's vision advantage.  Millenium were able to close the 2nd game, in a row, out.

Game 4 contained (surprise) another slow start.  The game's excitement picked up in a mid-game dragon fight where NiP were able to turn around a crucial fight and grab a quadra kill for Nukeduck's Kayle.  On the other end of the spectrum, Kev1n's Jax was huge.

Not only was Kev1n outputting a lot of damage, he provided tremendous utility.  Landing 5-man stuns with his counter-strike, Kev1n was an important asset to the success of his team.  Millenium were fully in control the entire game until miscommunication struck and Creaton got caught out super late game, allowing NiP to rush down Millenium's Nexus and bring the set to a game 5.

Despite the soul-crushing defeat experienced by Millenium in the previous game, the final game would show Kev1n grabbing a first blood and Millenium holding a slight lead.  Millenium stuck to their guns and pulled off impressive split pushing, which Ninjas in Pyjamas were not doing a very good job at holding off.

The major advancement from Millenium happened when they acquired a two inhibitors and a baron, one of the inhibitors dying a second time to minions while they tackled baron.  After a hard fought and exhausting day, Millenium were able to reclaim their spot in the LCS after an intensely close 5-game set.



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