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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

Ghostcrawler converts to lead designer at Riot Games

Once an employee at the gaming powerhouse of Blizzard, Greg Street has shifted alliance and begun working for Riot Games.

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street was a big name in World of Warcraft, being a large part of a shift in the balance of WoW's PvP, namely, arena.  Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street's job description and responsibilities for World of Warcraft reads:

 "Lead about half of the World of Warcraft design team.  Oversaw class, item, profession, combat, PvP, encounter, UI, and major feature design."

Greg "Ghostcrawler" is a controversial subject and is often scrutizined for allegedly ruining the PvP balance and the spirit of World of Warcraft when leading the team.  His hardest issues happened to be related to keeping PvP balance separate from PvE balance.  Though a team worked on the balance changes, Ghostcrawler was often the one to make them public, often finding himself as a verbal shield to the rest of the Blizzard employees.

Together with Morello, he will likely be working on balance as well as design for Riot Games.  No official statement has been given from Riot, though Greg "Chostcrawler" Street is now listed as an employee on his LinkedIn profile.  We have reached out to Ghostcrawler in hopes of a short interview.

Source - LinkedIn


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